He entered the little cottage and Bernard's golden retriever welcomed him with a wagging tail. Daadu patted the handsome boy and he ran to a door telling Daadu where she was. Door opened with a churn and there he saw his little devil sleeping on bed with a frown he never wanted to see. She looked so pale. Daadu bade some prayers to lord for finally able to see Nandini. 
Daadu touched her forehead carefully intending not to wake her up and his pulse jumped as soon as her hot flesh conveyed about fever. She had fever, Bernard was right. Daadu saw some medicine wrappers on side table.

"What have you done to yourself, kiddo?" He murmured and Nandini shifted in her sleep. She groped Daadu's sweater as she shifted closer to his warmth. Daadu's eyes welled up seeing her pale face.

"I missed you," She murmured. Daadu frowned thinking whom she was talking to in her sleep. Her arm wrapped around his tummy as she put her head in his lap. Doubt flew away because she could only do that with her grandpa. He stroked her head and she snuggled more into his fluffy tummy. Bernard's dog found himself a place next to Nandini. 

"Let me see your face," Daadu said trying to part her from him. She looked up at him and Daadu's heart dropped seeing her red puffy eyes. He had never seen her that vulnerable. He grabbed her face to drop an assuring peck on her head. She was hardly being able to open he eyes.

"You know we are together in everything, right?" Daadu cooed her and he could feel her heartbeats getting uneven. He needed her to know that he was right there in every problem of her life. 

"Hmmm," She said and Daadu held her tight. He knew she was holding a lot inside which she was never going to share. She never talked about things which hurt her, she just takes time to throw them in farthest corner of her heart so that no one could see them ever. 

"Did you eat something?" Daadu asked in a heavy voice and she shook her head in no. 

"Let me cook something very delicious for my girl," Daadu said cheerfully putting her head on pillow. She didn't say much and turned her face to other side smuggling into Bernard's golden retriever. 


Manik rang the bell of Murthy mansion after much thought. He just prayed that she was home. Door clicked open and a servant stood there.

"Nandini?" Manik asked desperately.

"She isn't home, sir," Servant answered and Rishi walked out sending servant in. Manik could see anger in Rishi's gaze as he closed the door behind.

"What are you doing here?" Rishi asked folding his arms across his chest.

Manik who was busy looking for Nandini's car turned to answer his question but then he had no answer. His presence there itself was a big question mark. 

"Nandini hasn't returned since last night," Rishi informed and Manik could feel himself going blank. She hadn't returned, horrible feeling engulfed him. Only one she ever went to after running away was him, he bit his lip in anxiety thinking about the horrifying scenarios.  

"Do you understand what it could take to bring someone like Nandini to that? I think she freaking loved you," Rishi growled. Manik could feel burying in guilt more as Rishi said that. He wanted to shout even he loved her, he had no two thoughts about it. 

"Tell me, where's she?" Manik asked lowly. He needed to know. 

"I don't know, soldier," Rishi answered helplessly, "Nobody knows. And the man who told you to do what you did, has whatsoever no concern where she is." 

"Think," Rishi tried to undo what his father had planted in fickle mind of Manik. 

Silence stayed as they both stood quiet.

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