My Little Servant Girl

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I followed Loki to the inside of my estate and tossed my coat on the couch.

He stood still once he got inside.

What? Was something wrong?

Concerned I open my lips to speak.

"Is there something wrong?"

He didn't respond so I walked over to him.

His eyes were scanning the room, as if he were checking to see if something or someone would jump out at him and try to kill him.

"You're Midgardian homes are quite small in comparison to the ones in Asgard."

He began walking around, inspecting everything his emerald eyes saw.


Maybe I should try to make conversation with him.

"So. why are you here in Midgard again? I thought that Thor took you back to Asgard after the Avengers defeated you."

His head snapped over in my direction, and his once calm gem like eyes were filled with hate, anger, and frustration.

I stepped back, scared of what he would do to me.

"Don't you ever speak of the Avengers in my presence slave. And what happened in Asgard is none of your concern you insignificant mortal. I am a God and you're king and you will address me as such."

Wait...did he just call me an insignificant slave?

I could've left him outside for someone else to deal with and I refuse to be spoke to like I'm a dog.

I laughed and walked up to him.

I didn't realize how tall he was until know.

His cold glare staring me down as my (e/c) ones looked up at him.

"Well Loki, I don't care if you are Odin himself you're in Midgard so stop trying to act like you're all high and mighty! And secondly I am not you're god damn slave!!! I am a human being and you will treat me as such!! and if you can't do that than you can get the fuck out of this house."

His eyes widened in surprise.

Has he not had anyone talk to him like that before?

Then a mischievous smile appeared on his face as he raised his hand.

Thinking that he would hit me my body tensed and my (e/c) orbs clamped shut.

All of a sudden I felt something touching the top of my head. My eyes slowly opened to find Loki hand gently patting the top of my head.

What the?

Chuckling he spoke.

"Mmmm. You amuse me slave. No ones ever talked to me like that before because they would die if they had. You still have to show me around this realm. But next time you speak to me like that I won't be so merciful."

My cheeks burned red in anger and embarrassment.

If he wasn't so beautiful I would've hit him on the spot.

Next time I won't hesitate to do so.

"Fine," I growled. "I'm changing my clothes first."

He smirked and flopped down onto the couch.

"Hurry up."

"Don't fucking rush me."

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