"See Alexander," Magnus purred. "Sales are easy."

"Are you comparing me to surfing equipment?" Alec whispered. He was too enchanted to be offended at the moment, though there was a voice in his head saying this was something he should object to.

"Maybe," Magnus chuckled.

"I should really be annoyed with you right now," Alec said.

"Please don't be," Magnus whispered. "I know you are more important than surfing equipment."

What was this man trying to do to him? Alec had no idea what to say. He felt like he was in one of those movies his sister always tried to make him watch, where the girl was swept off her feet by some tall handsome stranger. But all the girls in those movies were so weak and annoying. Alec hated that he compared himself to them.

"I'm not a girl," Alec said firmly.

"I know," Magnus said, obviously confused but still playing along. "You wouldn't be half so beautiful if you were."

"Sorry," Alec mumbled. "Head went to a weird place."

"Oh please do tell." Magnus hadn't taken his hands off Alec since their kiss and Alec was suddenly feeling silly standing there with Magnus's arm around him. Alec took a step back, grateful Magnus didn't try and keep him there.

"I was thinking about a stupid movie," Alec said. "Nevermind."

"So where would you like to go to dinner tonight, Alexander?" Magnus purred. Alec tried to not let Magnus's tone affect him as he composed an answer.

"I don't recall saying I'll go out with you tonight," Alec reminded him.

"Oh I know," Magnus said. "Just being hopeful." He didn't move to wrap his arms around Alec, but Magnus ran one finger gently over the side of Alec's face instead, which made Alec shiver again. The heat was rising in his face as well.

"You know you are more beautiful when you blush, Alexander," Magnus whispered. Then the door chimed and Magnus turned to greet the customer, leaving Alec standing there starstruck.

Alec tried very hard not to think about Magnus's kiss or his gentle caress while he finished his shift. Magnus did most of the work anyway. Alec was amazed at how Magnus handled customers. It was like Magnus just knew how to please a crowd.

The doorbell chimed as the last customer left. Alec sighed in relief and sat in the single chair behind the counter.

"Oh come on," Magnus said grinning. "That was nothing. Just a few customers really."

"That was more customers than we had the whole weekend," Alec argued. "Are you magic?"

Magnus laughed lightly before he struck a pose that belonged more on a stage than behind the counter of a store.

"You're crazy," Alec told him. "You know that right."

"Crazy for you," Magnus replied quickly.

"And cheesy," Alec added. "Crazy and cheesy." Magnus was far from being insulted by this; he seemed thrilled.

"You, darling, are far too serious," Magnus told Alec as he held out his hand. Alec stared at the extended hand, unsure what to do with it. Magnus motioned again for Alec to take his hand and this time Alec did. The next thing Alec knew, one of Magnus's hands was on his waist and the fingers of the other were intertwined with Alec's own. Magnus started to lead Alec in a dance.

"Magnus!" Alec exclaimed. "What are you doing?"

"Dancing," Magnus replied easily.

"There isn't any music," Alec reminded him. There usually was music but at the moment the radio was mercifully broken. Then suddenly Magnus was humming, the tune carried in the small store and Alec was speechless. Magnus's voice, even just humming, was beautiful. He projected the sound well and Alec no longer complained they had nothing to dance to.

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