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hello, here's the one fic that nobody asked for, but I wrote anyway. Anyone else think the JisungxFood ship is sailing because I do. ANyway, here's this crappy one shot that's super late because I've been super busy but I'm going to make it up I promise. I miss Jaemin so fricking much tbh. He's so gorgeous like please kill me I love him so much

It had started out as a simple couples game of Monopoly. Minhyung was bored and asked Donghyuck if he'd like to play Monopoly to which his mahogany haired boyfriend agreed with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Do you want to ask anyone else if they'd like to play?"

"Do you want to ask Jeno?"

"Something like that."

"Oh God."

In what seemed like the blink of an eye Minhyung found himself in the middle of an all out war between the couples. It began as an innocent game of Monopoly but everything went downhill when Taeil passed go and collected his two hundred dollars. Following that Taeyong also passed go and collected two hundred dollars. The next person to take their turn was Renjun who rolled a four and landed on the Go to Jail space, which would've been fine and dandy had he received a Get Out of Jail Free card, but both of those cards were in the hands of Taeil and Taeyong. Chenle huffed in annoyance and mumbled, in Chinese, about how 'unfair everyone is being'. Renjun smiled and pulled Chenle closer whispering a 'don't worry about it' before running his hands through the latter's curled hair soothingly. Jisung sits on the couch watching the scene unfold as he sips from his Capri sun with a smirk on his face.

It's about an hour in when there is a clear divide between the winners and the losers. Taeil and Taeyong are in the lead with their two dark blue properties (Park Place and Boardwalk) with hotels; the three red properties (Kentucky, Illinois, and Indiana Ave.); and all four railroads. They even managed to keep both of their Get Out of Jail Free cards because they were never sent to jail. Following behind them was Minhyung and Donghyuck who had acquired the green properties (Pacific, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina Ave.); the three yellow properties (Atlantic, Ventnor, and Marvin Gardens); and both of the utilities (electric and waterworks) followed by Jaemin and Jeno who had the three orange properties (New York, Tennessee, and St. James Place); the three pink properties (St. Charles Place, States Ave, and Virginia Ave.); and the three light blue properties (Connecticut, Vermont, and Oriental). This left Renjun and Chenle to be in last place and on the verge of bankruptcy, as they had been in and out of jail since the beginning of the game, with their two measly brown cards (Baltic Ave. and Mediterranean) . Both Chinese males began complaining about how each couple cheated in some way and how they were living the hard life of a person who earned their way through Monopoly. These complaints earned them several looks from the other couples.

Taeil and Taeyong, who felt they were being treated unfairly as they had worked their butts off to get the properties they had, rebutted everything the two Chinese males had said to prove their point. Chenle scoffed as Renjun continued to go on about how the teams were ganging up on them because they were the most vulnerable (being as Chenle could only understand half of the words every other couple said due to his lack of proficiency in the Korean language) of the four couples.

"You're not being fair, Taeil and I have worked hard for this!"

"Oh really hyung?"

"Yes we did!"

"Fine, then it was Haechan's fault. He's always doing something he shouldn't be doing."

"You leave my Donghyuck out of this, Renjun, and just worry about your jailbird of a boyfriend."

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