The Mistletoe

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yes, hello. I know I'm extremely late with this, but I thought better late than never right? I have another one coming soon I might update today. so here's this Christmas fic that nobody asked for but I made anyway.

This simple story begins exactly how any other clichéd story would. The meeting of two people destined to fall in love. You see a certain Lee Donghyuck is in love with Lee Minhyung and vice versa. They're just too cowardly to admit it to themselves, let alone each other. Each boy was madly in love with the other, yet they were too afraid to take that one chance, that one small step that lead to something great. They were too terrified to make the first move because they were terrified they'd lose the friendship they'd grown so used to that they tried to forget that feeling of longing inside of them. They tried to forget the way the other boy's skin seemed to glow perfectly against the blinding rays of the sun seeping through the miniscule crack in the blinds. They tried to forget the way the other's eyes shined brighter than the stars and how in the other's presence they felt complete, which overwhelmed them to the core. They tried to forget the way the other's smile seemed to brighten their mood and how the tears the other would shed crushed their very being. They tried to forget the love, the affection but the only thing they ended up forgetting was each other. Too lost in their own thoughts to comprehend the words slipping past the other's mouth. Slipping into a world of sorrow and loneliness which they would never return from had their band mates not helped them one Christmas Eve. This is the beginning of the cliché tale of how Donghyuck and Minhyung finally found peace with each other and made up (out).

It was Christmas Eve, Minhyung's least favorite time of the year. Don't get him wrong, he loves the presents he receives and he loves giving them out to his close friends and family as well, but recently (last year) Christmas has been ruined for him. Especially Christmas Eve. He just can't seem to get festive anymore and he doesn't care what the members think at all at this point. You see last Christmas Eve was the day Donghyuck had stopped talking to him. He began ignoring Minhyung completely and Minhyung didn't know what to do. He'd done nothing wrong, but suddenly the man of his dreams (literally) was ignoring him, pushing past him as if he'd never existed, and it hurt. To say the pain he felt in his chest was minimal was a huge understatement. He wished he could clutch onto his heart and rip it out then stomp on it repeatedly, at least that would hurt less than the pain he felt right now. Maybe he's exaggerating a little (a lot) but he honestly doesn't care because Donghyuck's ignoring him and he doesn't want to pretend to be happy and festive while Donghyuck sits there and acts as if he doesn't exist. He blatantly rejects Renjun, who came in decked out in his green Christmas sweater and reindeer antlers on top of his mahogany hair (that sticks out in random places as if there were hands that were laced into his hair), when he had asked Minhyung if he'd like to wear the last pair of antlers. Renjun leaves quickly and quietly mumbles something about complaining to Chenle because at least he listens.

It was only thirty minutes later that Minhyung finally crawled out of his room, and he only did so because he was bribed with the last piece of apple pie from the previous day. He sits on the couch with a huff as he is offered the controller for the game console. He is stiff when he first plays which is why he loses to Chittaphon, Jisung, and the epitome of losing at Mario Kart: Taeil. After losing half of his dignity to Taeil he temporarily forgot about his saltiness with his so called best friend and began to enjoy whooping ass until Jeno froze up while trying to throw a blue shell and looked toward the kitchen, with a stone face he'd never seen Jeno show before, almost as if he were jealous. He followed Jeno's gaze and found Jaemin and Donghyuck making drinks for everyone in the kitchen, but what he noticed next was what Jeno's eyes were fixated on: The lone mistletoe hanging from the doorway to the kitchen. Minhyung's expression became as hard as Jeno's as he watched his crush get ready to walk under the mistletoe with the pretty boy. As soon as they walk under the mistletoe Taeyong walks up to them and stops them while pointing up to the object that seemed to be taunting Minhyung. Donghyuck and Jaemin look at each other briefly before Jaemin looks around and then locks eyes with Jeno. Jeno smiles through what Minhyung assumes to be jealousy and nods his head as if nothing is wrong. Upon receiving the go ahead, Jaemin quickly pecked Donghyuck on the cheek and laughed off the embarrassment as he went to sit in Jeno's lap and cuddle with him. Jeno smiled and Kissed Jaemin on the cheek and all Minhyung could do was sit and watch while feeling cold and empty on the inside. Minhyung had noticed Donghyuck's lack of movement under the mistletoe and realized he had stopped because Chenle had walked under it right after Jaemin had left and the mistletoe police had decided to stop them and wait for a kiss again. Chenle looked around to find a very upset Renjun glaring holes into Donghyuck's head. He quickly mouthed a 'sorry' before quickly pecking Donghyuck's cheek and then walking quietly over to Renjun and lacing his fingers into his hair and bringing him in for a sweet kiss.

NCT OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon