Accepting His Love: Chapter Twelve

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Groaning from her position on the floor, Coraline reached up a hand to touch her throbbing skull. She winced when her hand made contact with the swollen flesh. She moaned in pain and rolled from off of her back and onto her side.

She felt like utter horse manure. Abigail had really done a number on her. Coraline had known she was a strong minded individual, but she hadn't known she was that physically strong. Her scalp still stung from where Abigail had fisted her long hair and yanked, most likely extracting a handful of her precious dark hair in the process.

Abigail had rushed at her so fast that she didn't really have time to defend herself at first. She had provoked her, Coraline acknowledged, but she hadn't expected her to attack her. Abigail had clawed at her face and had probably scarred it in the process. She brought up a hand to skim over her cheek. She felt the sting of the open scratches and when she tried to move her face, it felt bruised.

Coraline took a few more minutes to gather her bearings and looking around; she realized that she was alone. This was her moment. She needed to get out of here... fast! She had overstayed her time and welcome here, and while she hadn't gotten a chance to accomplish one of her more other desires, concerning Derek of course, she could at least take his money and be off before he got back from where ever he was.

Grimacing as she pushed herself off of the ground, she put a hand against her bruised ribs and walked painfully over to Derek's wagon. The world felt like it was spinning rapidly below her feet, but she had to be quick about this. She could not stop for anything. If he came back right now, then she'd be in for a heap load of trouble. Fast and efficient. That was how she needed to work.

Despite her pain, she managed to meticulously un-stack every crate until she reached the box where she'd been hiding the leather case containing all of his money. Gripping the case tightly, she allowed a slight grin to slip onto her face when she realized that she was going to get away with what she was doing. She had walked back outside cautiously and was in the process of unhooking her horse's reigns from the wagon, when the cocking of a gun had her whirling around. Her eyes opened wide in fear and her breath got caught in her throat when she found herself staring down the barrel of a revolver.

She followed along the gleaming metal, to the arm extending it, and then to the face.

She hadn't heard him come up behind her, but Derek looked absolutely outraged and at the moment, she feared for her life. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. In all of the seven years since she'd been disowned at the age of seventeen that she'd been tricking men and taking off with their spoils and riches in the night, she had never been caught. She could only stare cross eyed at the deadly weapon a few inches from her face as her heart hammered furiously in fear of what he could do to her.

"Drop the case, Coraline. I don't want to have to hurt you." His face was dead serious and his blue eyes no longer held their good-natured luster. Instead, they stared at her coldly and Coraline briefly wondered if maybe she could somehow charm herself out of the situation. She really didn't want to die so early, even if his face at the moment looked like he would have no qualms about shooting her.

"D-D-Derek!" she stuttered, plastering a smile on her face. "What a-a surprise to see you. Whatever are you talking about? This is...ah...this is just my luggage. "

"Cut it," he hissed. "I should've listened to Abigail and told you to scram from the first night. Now drop the money and get lost."

"I w-was just leaving. I know when I'm not welcome anymore, but you see Derek...I need this." She said, pulling the case up a fraction.

"I don't care what you need. You're going to drop my money and leave this instant. You were right in saying that you are no longer welcome here, because you're not. "

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