Accepting His Love: Chapter Twenty-Two

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The first thing that Abigail noticed when she began to come to, was that she couldn't move her arms as they were secured behind her back. To top it off, there was a throbbing in her temples and she had no way to massage the pain away with her fingertips.

The next thing she noticed came more as a shock to her. Behind her closed eye lids, instead of seeing the same dark film that was usually present, a faint pink light glowed. Such a dim rosy hue, it was as if there was a bright light just outside. But... But that was impossible. She hadn't seen color in multiple days.

Abigail cracked open a leaden eye lid, and just as quickly shut it again. Her heart skipped a couple of beats and thumped erratically in her chest. Chancing open her eyes once more, she could do nothing to contain the soft gasp that escaped past her lips as her jaw dropped in awe.

Color... She could see colors, and figures, and the blue sky. Granted everything was a bit blurry and hazy, but she could still see! She could see the light brown grass of the Oklahoma territory and in the distance, two wagons; hers and Derek's. Buttercup, Tulip, Derek's horse, and two other unfamiliar horses grazed as if it were a normal day.

She came to the sudden realization that the blow that she had suffered at the hands of Nicholas was what probably restored her vision. Hell, if she knew this would happen, she would've hit herself in the head ages ago. It was unfortunate that her sight had been returned by the one demon she hated in the entire world. Even more inconvenient was the fact that she was tied up and in certain danger from said demon.

Squinting all around her, she could not see anyone else. Had he gone and left her for good? She hoped so...

No... Even though she wished it were true, something told her that Nicholas wasn't the type of man to leave survivors. After all, he had murdered Coraline. Why would he just stop there? What she needed to do was to find Derek, and get the both of them out of here.

At the thought of her love, fresh tears began to leak from the corners of her eyes. Memories overcame her senses as she remembered the moment. She could hear the bullets, and could hear the pain filled groans as they probably tore through his flesh. And the blood... all the sticky warm fluid that she was sure stained her clothes as well as her skin. The blood of the man she loved...

She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head lightly. It was of no use clouding her mind with ill thoughts of Derek... and death. As soon as she found a way to kill Nicholas, she was going to do it without any hesitation whatsoever.

Abigail Jenkins would not be going down so easily. Her mind flitted through possible ways to take him out as she began her struggle against the bindings on her wrists.

As she plotted, the knots gradually became looser, and the material began to make ripping noises as she pulled and tugged against it. By the time she pulled one wrist free a few painstaking minutes later, she had devised a somewhat workable plan. All she needed to do was get to the wagon... and the gun that lay inside. Everything else should be a piece of cake once she had a weapon in her hand. Hopefully.

Making sure she couldn't see anyone in sight, she pushed to her knees. Regrettably, she had underestimated the beating that Coraline Manchester had so graciously bestowed on her body and fell back down to the ground. Her ribs were on fire, her stomach felt bruised and her thighs felt like battered mush under her weight.

It was going to take a miracle just to get inside her wagon, but she was determined to try. Biting her lip, she forced herself back onto her knees, sweat dotting her hairline as she stood to her feet.

Taking one step forward, she did her best to blot out the pain. It didn't work as well as she had hoped, but the more she limped and hobbled, the closer she came to her destination.

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