Chapter 15: Give Me Back My Kids

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Ally's pov

I opened it and it was Samantha, Joey and my other baby Marcus

I let them in and got Marcus from Samantha

And then they sat on the couch

"Why would you take my baby?" I said

"I'm sorry Ally, I was just jealous because you have a perfect family" Samantha said

"Awww, your so nice Samantha, thank you" I said

"Your welcome, I'll leave you guys, bye" Samantha said leaving with Joey


after Samantha and Joey left, we decided to invite Mark's family

"So, what happened?" Mark said

"She said she's sorry for taking Marcus because she's jealous we have a perfect family and then they left" I said

"That's all?" Loren said

I nod my head

After dinner

Mark's pov

After we left, I was driving home when I got a phone call from unknown

(M: Mark   U:Unknown)

M: Hello?

U: Hi Mark

M: Who are you?

U: Do you remember me?

M: No I don't, who are you?

U: I'll give you a hint

M: What is it?

U: I have you kids


MK-Mackenzie: You guessed it right


MK: Meet me at the park by 2:00 sharp

M: Deal

Mackenzie ended the call and then we arrived home

"Mark, who was on the phone?" Loren asked

"It was Mackenzie, she has our kids" I said

"WHAT?? Why does she have our kids?" Loren said

"I don't know but she said to meet me at the park by 2:00 sharp" I said

"I want my kids back" Loren said going upstairs

The next day

I woke up and went to the park

When I arrived to the park, I saw Mackenzie, Emma and Brandon sitting on the bench

"Mackenzie, give me back my kids" I said

There was police around the park incase Mackenzie does something to my kids

"I want you back Mark" Mackenzie said

Loren came out of nowhere and said

"Don't you dare take Mark"

"Which one would you choose, Your kids or Mark?" Mackenzie said

I looked at Loren and said

"I'll go with you"

"Really??" Mackenzie said

I nod my head and then walked up to Mackenzie

Mackenzie lets go of the kids, and then held my hand

I let go and put her hands behind her back and then the police came

They bought her to the car and my kids ran to me

They started crying, Loren came and we had a family hug

We went back home and told them

"We will always bring you guys to auntie Ally's house" I said

"Ok dad" They said

When Loren and the kids went upstairs, there was a knock at the door

I opened it and there was a letter, I opened it and it said

Dear Mark

I love you and I'll never stop loving you, I have my eyes on you and I know what you and your family are doing everyday

Someday I'll get you back Mark, Someday just someday


After I read the letter, I locked all the doors and windows

I decided to show Loren the letter


"Loren, look what Mackenzie wrote" I said handing her the letter

She read the letter and said

"We should tell Ally and Jacob tomorrow and we should get some sleep" Loren said

"Ok" I said

"Did you lock all the doors and windows?" Loren said

I nod my head

"Ok, goodnight Mark" Loren said

"Goodnight Loren, I love you" I said and then fell asleep

My life [Sequel of My Brother's Bestfriend] J.S.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن