Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: leave now

Jack's P.O.V

"Whoa! She has ice powers just like me! I have to go talk to her! This is sooo exciting! Never in a million years would I guess i would find someone just like me!" I thought

I found Elsa in the ballroom. She was pacing back and forth, while talking to herself. "Elsa!" I said. "Jack!" She looked happy for a moment. Then suddenly her face fell. "Leave now. Get out, your not safe here." she said. "Elsa...." I started. "Leave! Now!" And then she built a snowman to chase me out. I went out but then, I froze the snowman. I looked through her window and saw that she was in her room, so I flew up to go in.

Elsa's P.O.V

"What does Jack what with me?" I thought. "Lets get him!" said the voice.

What will happen? keep reading to find out!

Jack to the rescue ( a Jelsa fan fiction  )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora