shes dreaming : ky

Start from the beginning

she's dreaming, she's dreaming
the night is deeply soaked in moonlight
this is the only time we have to

school life in itself had been hectic. kiyoko had been absorbed in her manager duties and so had hitoka, and pile on work on top of all of that? plus the difference in their grade level? kiyoko nearly never saw hitoka during school hours.

now both having graduated, living together, working, they had scrounged up a bit more time but kiyoko found herself on more than one occasion glancing to the clock to see just when she could book it home to see her girlfriend.

kiyoko laid down halfway, propped on her elbow and carded her long, slender fingers through hitoka's blonde, thin hair and pressed a kiss to it.

she's dreaming, she's dreaming
i give in and smile at you sleeping beside me
all i do is look at you
because when the morning comes, you'll wake up as if nothing happened

kiyoko loves hitoka when she's awake, really. it's just that she blushes and pulls away and scratches the back of her neck and plays with her fingers and twirls her hair completely out of nervousness and while it is endlessly adorable it can be frustrating when kiyoko just wants to give her cute girlfriend a cute kiss but she gets all shy.

so it's times like these kiyoko is most thankful.

in the quiet of the night she is not nervous or scared or anxious or awkward, and kiyoko loves just looking at her while she's so damn peaceful.

she knows the morning will come with honking car horns and the neighbors upstairs stomping and too bring sunlight bathing their room in golden light and kiyoko will love hitoka and hitoka will love hitoka but they will be shy.

no blush dusts the cheeks of either woman tonight.

i always appeared in your dreams
and it would be just the two of us together
whenever i see someone as pure as you
i start to laugh too for some reason

hitoka, without a doubt, pined for kiyoko like crazy.

kiyoko isn't sure what gave it away; the fact that she called her "pretty lady" to her face once or because she'd constantly catch those darting eyes and she wouldn't miss that dusting of blush that would grace her pale complexion when their eyes happened to meet.

she was pure too, perhaps a bit naive but nonetheless endearingly pure. their first kiss was sacred to hitoka, and afterwards she cried. kiyoko had wiped away the tears while hitoka shouted over and over again that they were happy tears.

their first time having sex was emotional too, and both of them had cried. not because they were scared, or because they were upset, but because they were so happy.

i'm going crazy, i want to be greedy
i want to hold you in my arms and tell
you that i love you but
it's false hope, when the morning comes you won't remember, i'm afraid that i'll be forgotten
no, no, no, come back

kiyoko was possessive. this was mainly because she'd seen the way other girls and sometimes guys would take second looks at hitoka when they would be out together. kiyoko would make a point of joining their hands and squeezing them together so tightly that sometimes it hurt.

but what hurt more was the fact that it bothered hitoka.

"you don't have to do that every time," she had said once, understanding dripping from her voice and love in her eyes.

"i know that," kiyoko had said with a sigh. "i'm so afraid of losing you."

hitoka was, without a doubt, the best nervous wreck that had ever tiptoed into her life. it scared her to even think of losing her.

when the deep night is coming to an end
i fade like smoke
i come back to you on dark nights with a dream

the clock now says 5:13 and kiyoko's eyes are drooping. she lays all the way down and stares into the sleeping face of hitoka and smiles, reaching out a gentle finger to poke her nose. they would wake up soon, go to work, come home, and love each other. the cycle continued every day. but on odd nights like these, kiyoko felt like dedicating a night to her feelings for the sleeping girl beside her.

i'll come visit you several times every
night in your dreams
but sometimes it becomes unbearable
when you look at me like you've never seen me before.

as in love with hitoka kiyoko was, sometimes it seemed like hitoka would give her a look and she'd swoon head over heels all over again.

she'd look at her with that first year wonder and her eyes would hold galaxies of stars and they'd just love each other in a language only their eyes and hearts understood.

i give in and smile at you
all i do is look at you (i look at you.)


kiyoko and yachi are so in love,? my gfs!! my favs!! did i mention they're girlfriends and they're dating and they're girlfriends

just to let you guys know, i modified these lyrics just a tiny bit and i cut off the ending except for the very last line because it was mostly repeating the chorus over and over again

anyways i love kiyoyachi

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