Chapter 8//Leo's Jam Part 4-The Dance

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Authors note: Again, the disclaimer is that this chapter is based on the season one episode four episode "Leo's Jam". The Dialogue will be very similar, but not copied for copyright reasons. I love this episode and I suggest that you watch it before you read this chapter to understand what is going on. You can find it on Netflix and YouTube, probably. Also remember to VOTE!Hope you enjoy~MJ💚
Chase's POV:
Leo and I were at the dance, standing there. Danielle had went to the bathroom. I wonder when Bree is gonna show up; girls take longer for everything! I bet she looks pretty in her dress. She always looks pretty. I'm always to nervous to tell her though. She would've thought I was weird; I mean, I am! I hit on my older sister, I become spike when I get mad, oh and on a lesser note, I AM BIONIC! Adam walks in the gym with a happy, yet confused look on his face, "Aw, where's Danielle? Dump you already?" I scowled and gave a your-so-annoying look, "No, she just went to the bathroom, she said she'd be right back." He nodded and smiled, "Ah! Probably climbing out the window to get away from dancing with you." He laughed a little and a scowled again, this time I stared deep into his eyes, giving I'm great guilt. Bree stepped in through the door. "Hello, boys." She said while smiling. I gulped. She is so beautiful, I just wish I could tell her. She tried to strut, but her heels gave her stumbling balance. She asked over to us, but her ankles gave way and she tripped a little. Leo raised his eye bro at her and told her, "If your gonna wear those shoes I suggest earring helmet." She rolled her eyes and looked at me, I looked back. The corner of my lip climbed up my cheek. She blushed a little and turned toward Ethan. My smile fell to a glare. Right on Ethan. He saw me glaring and he tried to look innocent. "Hey, Bree. You look great." He told her as he smiled and stuck his hands into his pockets. I could tell that Bree kinda liked him, but I could also tell that she was embarrassed and wanted to speed away. She turns, her heels seem to pull her back. I wish she didn't turn back to him..... I wish she would turn to me and put her hand on my shoulder. We could dance forever, and ever. *Flash Back*
(Chase 7 years old, Bree 9, Adam 10) //Still Chase's POV:
We steeped out of our capsules and onto the hard pavement. "Good, your up!" Mr. Davenport aid as he set down his tablet and walked towards us, "Okay, so today we are going to o a special training day! You can do whatever you want! But it must have something to do with training and getting fit. So, I I'll turn on some music and you guys can have at it!" He touched a button on his tablet and some music started. It was eclectic, more work out type of music. I decided to go over to the rock wall and just climb. Bree joined me but Adam decided to go lift barrels in the other room. Bree super sped to the top of the wall. "Wow! How did you get up there?" I yelled and she looked down, "Super speed and agility, DUH!" She smirked and I glared. I had to get to her level, she always thinks that she is more athletic than me! I struggled but grabbed the pegs it's my seat you palms as I climbed all the way to the top. Finally! I made it! I touched my temple. "Hey Bree, we're twenty feet up in the air!" Her eyebrows raised, "Really? Cool! So, how much higher can you go?" The was a little ledge that we sat on. Up above it was what it seemed like forty more feet of climbing wall. I looked at her and smirked, "All the way to the top!" She gave me a 'you wish' look, "Sure, and Adam is smart! There's no way you can climb up that high!" She crossed her arms and I smirked again, "Kiss me for good luck!" She smiled and kinda blushed. I sat there, still in my 'smirk mode'. She rolled her eyes, leaned over to me and kissed my cheek. I blushed and wiped my clammy hands on my pants. "Okay, here I go!" I yelled and I gripped the first peg.
For what seemed like forever, I still was on the wall. My sweat making my grip loose. "Bree, I'm slipping, what do I do?!" I yelled down at her readjusting my hands on the blue peg, "How am I supposed to know? Your the smart one!" She looked up at me with longing eyes, "Chase! There's just a little more! You can do it! If you fall I'll call Adam to catch you!" She put her hands up to her mouth, trying to echo her sound. My eyebrows knit and I frowned. "I don't need ADAM!" I yelled and she nodded. My grip was becoming un bearing. My hand fell loose. I only hand one more hand keeping me up in the air. "Chase!" She screamed and super sped down to the ground then came back up with a mat. "Chase! If you let go the mat will break your fall; a little!" My eyes popped out. I can't die at seven years old! "I can't! I don't want to die!" She gave one of her sincere, hoping smiles, "Your not going to die! I promise! I'll catch you!" I nodded and let go. I trusted her, she was the greatest person I knew. Well, I do only know three people. As I fell I saw all of the nice things Bree did for me in my head, the times we spend alone together, the precious moments we had. I love her. Maybe as a sister or not. I'm seven, I don know much about that stuff. But I do know about every digit in pi! I stared at the ground and panic fled to my soul. "Bree! AHHH!" She put out her arms, "I got you Chase!" I fell into her arms and we both blushed. We were in the perfect dance position. Wow, I fell that gracefully? The music we heard from the lab turned to a romantic kind of slow dance. My face was red and hers was pink, we didn't move our positions. I smiled and asked, "Do you want to dance?" Her eyes bugged out and her eyebrows raised. "Uh; yeah. I would love that..." She said sweetly. We both smiled and blushed. I projected the steps with my bionics on the floor. We didn't even pay attention to the steps we were supposed to do, we were too lost in each other's eyes. I gazed into hers, she blushed and I said, "I might need your good luck kisses more often....." *End of flashback*
I snapped out of thought by Ethan asking Bree if she wanted to dance, "Um, I don't know how." He looked at her kinda confused, "Oh it's easy, you just kinda move a little, the spin around the dance floor." He smiled and moved her slowly through the steps. What? He can't teach her how to dance! She is the best dancer I know! Why did she tell him she couldn't? Maybe she's embarrassed or something. Bree tried what Ethan said, but accidentally trapped in in a dance cyclone. I smiled and in my mind I was laughing hard. She spun him out of the room. He looked pale.... Haha, I Thought, that's what he gets for asking out MY Bree! What?! Did I just think my Bree?! I smirked again, I think I just did!
    Danielle entered the gym and was looking for me. She walked over to us and said, "There you are! Wanna dance?" I smirked and tried to put on my best smolder, "I'm actually feeling a bit peckish. I think it's time for the refrigerator." I pointed to Leo and he pointed back at me. We both nodded at the same time, "Do your thing Big Boy!" I walked over top the dance floor with Danielle. She had a confused look on her face. I asked her to follow my lead. As I went through the moves I spoke out the actions, "Open the fridge, grab the eggs, open the mayo, spread the mayo, all over your face! I wanna pickle, fish for a pickle! Now grab that pickle and swing! Now grab that pickle and swing!" Everyone looked at me as if I was crazy. Danielle backed away asking, "What are you doing?" As I pretended to swing a pickle I answered, "I'm swinging an invisible pickle!" Oh no! Leo did this! He's gonna get it! Adam came up to me and rubbed it in my face. Of corse. Classic Leo and Adam. Adam walked over to Danielle and asked to dance, now this is gonna be embarrassing. He grabs her hands and goes wide and fast in his moves. Wow that guy cannot dance; and I was the one dancing the refrigerator. With his strength he tossed her up in the air. He glances back at me, "Talk about light weight. Oh here she comes!" He catches her as if they were getting married. "Stop! Put me down!" He puts her down but follows her as she speed walks away. HA! He can't compare to my dancing. The music stops and four girls come in the other doors. And behind them are, Leo!
//Leo's POV:
    Ha! Adam and Chase both made a fool of themselves! Now it's time for my big performance! Dry Ice forms in front of us as we enter the room. We all walk to the center and stand in poses. "Que it up, G!" I say as I lift my shades. A new song starts and me and my Aunt Janice's book club start dancing our routine. As we dance, I notice Danielle watching me. YES! Victory!!! Chase glares, and Adam dances, then Chase stops him. My Aunt's group and I drop some sick moves! I moon walk then do a hand stand at the end of the song then jump into the ladies arms.Everyone claps. HAH! I'm so relived! I thought I was gonna mess up! But NO! "Okay everybody give it up for my Aunt janice and her book club!" I present and everyone claps again. Danielle walks over to me while saying, "That was amazing!" I smile and walk closer to her, "Aw, well, it's just a little somethin' for the kids." We walk together to the dance floor. She puts her hand on my cape as we walk, I stop and say, "Easy on the cape momma, it's custom." She still smiles and we keep walking.
    After a while, all of us apologized to each other. Adam and Chase understand me, I guess.inda; not really. It doesn't really matter in the end because we're brothers and brothers help each other out. Including Bree, all of us stood in the middle of the dance floor and I raised my shades again and said, "Que it up, G!" The song started again and we all faced, one by one. Chase was actually pretty good........But not as much as me. I bet he feels bad about not getting to dance with Bree. I don't know, maybe he forgot about his feeling for her. It's still pretty weird and all. That dance was a BLAST in the end!

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