Chapter Fifteen

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After Tala left I turned on the TV and put NRJ the channel. They played Galway Girl By Ed Sheeran. (I recommend you to listen to that song. In my opinion it's amazing.)

*Incoming Call from Peter.*

"Morning Peter!"

"Morning sunshine. How'd you sleep last night?"

"I sleep well. My best friend was over I haven't seen her for 5 years. I was so happy I got to see her yesterday and she slept over. But something came up and she had to leave early in the morning."

"Well that's great you got to see her. Look I have an idea."

"Which is?"

"Is she single?"

"Yes she is why?"

"How about you will come with her and I'll come pick you girls up with my brother. It's like a double date kind of thing what do you think?"

"I love that idea."

"Alright talk to her and make sure before I talk to my brother."

"Alrightyyy. Talk to you later."

"Talk to you later sunshine."

Ok so know let me talk to Tala.

"Hey Tala,
How are you? I have amazing news for you. Can you come to my place at 2 sharp? I got you a date. I'll make sure with Peter. I love you Tala!♡♡"

"Hey Gabriella,
Fine I'll come just for you nothing else. I'm coming over at 1:30 because their won't be traffic. See you Gabriella!!♡♡ Love you too!!"

"Peter Tala is coming what about your brother?"

"His coming too. Where do we go?"

"I honestly don't know."

"How about the cinema?"

"That sounds great. I have to go it's 1:25 Tala will be here any minute now."

"She comes early. That's sweet. My brother and I are nothing like that."


Tala got to my place the minute I put down my phone. I went and opened the door. She was carrying a lot of bags that were colored pink of course.

"Hey Gabriella I'd love to give you a hug but my hands are full."

"Hey Tala. Doesn't matter. Give me those bags. Why did you get all of these?"

"Well it's my first date and I want to make the best out of it. Of course I have to look my best too."

"Of course you do."

We laughed. We did each others make up and helped each other with the outfits we always love doing this. The last time we probably did this was when we were young we went through my mother's make up bag and we started to do each others make up. We ended up looking like clowns. So we finished on time 3 we took out time because we helped each other and we were dancing and singing. See what music has done to us see?😂
I ended up wearing a short dress that was plain and colored purple. Tala ended up wearing a white shirt with a pink skirt and and took with her ajeans jacket. I took a black leather jacket with me. Soon I hear the Lamborghini horn.

"Talaa his here you ready?"

"Yes I'm done."

We went up together then we see the boys standing on each side of the car with an open door. Peter's brother was just like him he was a gentleman and they looked like twins except that his brother has blue eyes and curly hair.

"Which one is my date?" -Tala whispered.

"The one with blue eyes and curly hair." -I said.

The date was very nice and I think Tala and Brad are dating now. They look so good together. I'm so glad he treats her in a polite manner. She deserves it.

Just Move On {Completed}✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें