10. Nightmare Memory

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Yet another wonderful day done and gone. Every day felt wonderful when I was with Jim. He made my days brighter; he made me see the good things in life.

I wasn't having thoughts about marriage and a family with him or anything. I guess you could say I was still in the puppy-love stage.

I ruffled my hair with a towel, feeling drops fall onto my back. I was ready for bed. Jim decided to stay over.

I told Amanda everything about Jim. She seemed happy for me at first, but then she started to get concerned. When I told her about him staying over, she thought it was too early to move onto such a serious level. I saw no problem with it, it didn't seem like that big of a step.

I stepped out of the bathroom to hear low chatter going on in the den room. My brows came together. Curious, I peeked into the living room. The TV was off. I saw Jim on his laptop, he was hunched over it. I crept closer, hearing the chatter I'd heard before. It sounded like a woman's voice.

Is he...cheating on me? I didn't want to believe the possibility, but part of me did. A piece of my heart was already breaking, and I didn't even know if it was true or not. If it was true, was there one woman or many?

I had to know.

I slunk into the den room, keeping silent. It was hard to see what was on Jim's screen; he was blocking the majority of it. From what I could see, he looked to be calling someone. He didn't have his webcam on; he had a box open so he could type.

The cheating theory began to seem true.

I couldn't hear what the woman was saying; her voice was too low for me to hear. I could barely see what she looked like. I was so close I was practically breathing on Jim's neck.

As I took another step, what I saw next made me freeze.

A red dot had briefly appeared on the woman's head. One second, she was alive, and the next, she collapsed in front of the camera, forehead down on the table. I covered my mouth with my hands, afraid to let out a squeak of terror.

I had just witnessed a murder. Jim had just witnessed a murder.

Afraid, I backed away, my eyes not leaving Jim or his laptop. I couldn't make sense of this. Was...was Jim responsible for the woman's death?

I bumped into the door frame of the bedroom. I squeaked before I could stop myself.

Jim whipped around, his brown eyes became huge. I froze on the spot, watching him.

"Rachel..." he said. His focus went from me, to the laptop, then back to me.

"What...What was that?" I forced out.

Jim closed the laptop, slamming it so hard I thought he broke it. He set it aside on the couch. "How much did you see?"


Jim rose. "I can explain—"

I whirled around and darted for the bedroom. I knew there was a phone on the nightstand near the bed. Jim was there with me in a flash, grabbing both of my wrists. He pulled me around to face him. I let out a petrified sob. "Are you going to kill me next?"

"What makes you think I would kill you, Rachel?" He looked appalled at my suggestion.

"Did you have anything to do with that woman's murder?" Surprisingly, my voice was stable.

Shadows of the Past (BBC Sherlock) -1-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon