Still no reply from Ryan. It was hopeless. I leaned my head on his bed, fully crying right now. I had no clue what to do or say right now. All this time I thought he was actually there. That he was there with me. And it really hurt. Noah sat beside me and placed an arm around my shoulders.

"Don't worry were very tired. You were obviously just imagining it..." Noah assured me.

"But I was happy. I thought I had Ryan back. That I didn't have to worry about losing him anymore. That it was all okay. And then finding out that it was all just fake. That none of it was real..." I sobbed.

Noah wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the ground, carrying me to my room. I dug my face into his chest, crying into his shirt.

T-the accident. How did you get better? I didn't even pay for your operation...

Who cares about that? I'm better now...shouldn't you be happy?

No I shouldn't...

You weren't even real...

Noah's POV:

I could hear Peyton's sobs, making me feel upset deep inside. I placed her gently on her bed as she covered her face with her hands. I moved her hair away from her face and placed my hand on her warm cheek. She calmed down a little when did that, and she was breathing steadily again. I hated seeing her so upset and broken.

"Noah..." she said.

"Yes Peyton," I replied.

"Thank you..." she whispered.

She uncovered her face, which was wet with tears. I used the back of my hand to wipe the tears away from her eyes.

"Now how about you tell me what happened at the pools. You'll feel better letting it out to somebody..." I suggested.

She nodded her head and sat up, approving of the idea. I sat there and waited for her to speak. I wanted to know what happened to her. What could've hurt her so bad, and why would it make her feel so hopeless and broken.

"Everything was totally fine and normal. You and I were swimming and talking. But when you went to get us drinks...that's when it happened. When I was sitting alone on that bench, I heard a voice saying 'He's a nice guy, isn't he?'  I look beside me and find Ryan sitting right there on the bench. No injury's. He was the accident didn't happen in the first place,"

"I was shocked, and I felt like I would faint at any moment. I asked him if it was really him, and he told me that it was. I was so happy. It all felt so real t me. I hugged him, and I could literally feel his cold arms against mine. I was so relieved, but then I realized that I didn't even pay for his surgery..."

"So I asked him about it. I asked him how he got out of hospital if I didn't pay for the hospital fees to start with. So he told me 'Who cares about that? I'm better now...shouldn't you be happy?'  So I kind of just went with that. Then you came and he just vanished. Disappeared from beside me. No sign of him ever being next to me on the bench. And know the rest..." she said.

She put her head down, letting her hair fall over he shoulders and cover her face. I reached over and lifted her chin up, meeting her gaze. She forced out a that literally showed all the pain she's holding back. I let out sigh and smiled back at her and hugged her tightly, as if trying to prevent her from falling apart.

"Come on Peyton...get some rest..." I decided.



"Can you stay...please?" she demanded.

 She lay down and looked up at me, waiting for my approval. I smiled and nodded my head, laying down right beside her. She slid her hand into mine, looking at me sleepily. I was tired too, so staying wouldn't be a bad idea.

"I'll be right here if you need me..." I said.

"Okay...thank you Noah," she stated.

"I love you Peyton..."

"I love you too Noah..." she whispered, leaning against my chest and closing her eyes.



End of the chapter. I hope you like it. I did my two exams...thank the lord they are over, coz I was dying or nervousness. I was on 4.1K in the previous chapter and now I'm on 8.3K! Thank you all so much! You make me smile ear to ear and you all make my day for me!

Today's special reader is the_real_yazz124. Thank you so much for the support. Shout out to you. She writes stories too, so check them out. Your comments make me so happy.

Once again, thank you, I love you all so much!

-Reem <3

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