Chapter Eight

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He laid a soft kiss to her cheek and exited her bedroom. Elisabete plopped down onto the side of her bed and took in what Tadeus had told her. She couldn't possibly marry Edric. She didn't love him. And to make matters worse, he despised her king. She'd be throwing her life away if she said yes to him. She'd be stuck in a miserable life if she were to marry Edric. Nothing would change if she married a man in her same class. Elisabete desperately wanted to give her a family a better life, but that hope sailed farther and farther away as the years went by. Loki was now living the life she had always wanted. He was happy in her eyes. His life was coming together and hers was falling apart at the seams and there was nothing she could do about it. Loki loved Sanit and Elisabete knew that. As her thoughts shifted towards Sanit, she remembered what she had told her. Elisabete wiped her eyes and slowly laid down under the covers of her bed and fell asleep, only to wake up to go back to the same dreaded place she didn't want to see anymore.

Loki paced around his chambers as Sanit was seated by the fireplace. She smiled up at him and watched him with her eyes, going to and fro. There were so many thoughts and questions going through his mind at that moment, he couldn't think straight, or think of how to develop a sentence to say to Sanit. He wanted to be happy, he truly did, but he was too in shock to feel anything.

"Loki, do say something." Sanit sighed.

"What am I to say?" Loki scoffed.

"That you're happy." Sanit replied.

"But I'm not." Loki told her.

"Loki. I am pregnant with your child. How can you not be happy?" Sanit inquired.

" and I are fully aware that I cannot conceive a child. You know of my heritage and how it hinders certain things. I've read several books on this. My blood cannot create a child with your blood. It's impossible." Loki explained.

"Well, it isn't fully impossible." Sanit giggled.

"Are you sure? Are you certain you're pregnant?" Loki asked.

"I checked with the healers yesterday. I had felt lightheaded and sick. They examined me and told me the good news. You and I are going to have a son. The prince of Asgard...and the king." Sanit told him.

Loki shook his head, not willing to accept her news. He knew in his mind that he could not have a child. It was a fact that he had learned once he started reading up on his kind.

"Loki, it isn't anyone else's. I've only slept with you during this time. And, we never had safe sex, Loki. It was bound to happen this time or another." Sanit told him.

"But how? It's physically impossible." Loki sighed.

"We got lucky. Somehow, my body has accepted this pregnancy. It's the gods willing you to carry out your bloodline to give heirs to the throne. Soon, I promise, I shall birth you a son, and all will be well." Sanit explained.

Loki slowly walked over to her seat and knelt down in front of her. She smirked down at him as she took his hand in hers. He looked down at the ground, holding back his tears as he shook his head. Moments later, he picked his head up and stared at her belly. Warily, he raised his hand up towards her and laid it on her belly. He smiled weakly as he took a few deep breaths as he came to terms with the child growing in her womb. He was going to have a family, and with a woman he felt nothing for. Now, Loki felt that Sanit was bound to him. However, he knew he would not marry her. She would make a horrible queen in his eyes. To him, she'd always be nothing more than his mistress.

"Sanit, I promise I will do everything I can to ensure that everything goes right in this pregnancy." Loki told her.

"Thank you. But you have nothing to worry about. Everything will work out since my body has already accepted your seed. A boy will be birthed in the summer." Sanit smiled brightly.

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