"This young woman here is the 12th Princess of Yrif Kingdom. She is Thais Demeus and might I say that I'm surprised that the king is not with you."

"Hmph. I told you that he left me here to train in your country." Sinbad was shocked to know that his friend was a princess. Thais turned to him and assured him that she never told him anything because she did not find the need to do so. Plus, if he knew that she was a princess, she was sure that Sinbad will treat her more delicately than he was already. He laughed nervously at how direct she was to the point.

"You're wondering about the king as well right? You've met him actually!"

"Wait. You're not talking about that asocial Leonhart right?" She just grinned and Sinbad fell to the floor in shock before standing up to yell, "Really!? He didn't strike like a royalty to me!" Thais laughed at his bluntness and made sure her djinns noted everything. She was sure that if she relayed it to the King, he will get more mad at Sinbad. This certainly amused her to no end.

"I know that Leon doesn't seem like a royalty outside but he's responsible enough to handle my own. Our government system is a little messy right now after the war that happened decades ago. We were plunged into poverty and one magician blessed us with a curse but that's a story for another time. I am the princess but I stepped down and gave the crown to Leon, whom I thought was more worth. He showed me conviction. Surprising right?"

"No doubt about it." He replied. Sinbad stared at the money he earned before telling them that he will pay up to join the Union. She thought for a while and told him that she wanted to go with him since she had nothing better to do. The king of Balbadd coughed out loud and told him the same thing. That night, Sinbad could not help himself but keep looking at the scroll in his hands, the proof that they were finally part of the Union and that they can sell legally soon. Thais sat beside him and watched him marvel at the piece of paper while drinking tea.

"Sensei! Thanks a lot! I was able to enter the union without any problems. With this, I can also do business in Napolia. I hope that the products come from Imuchakk as soon as possible!" Sinbad said. King Rashid glanced at him and said, "Sinbad, you should go into acting." That made the purple haired conqueror stop and the princess to raise a brow at the king.

"Yes? Pardon me, Sensei but I was only acting to obtain the money for you recommendation to the union, but now I don't need that."

"That is true, Ki—Haron. He was able to get into the Union easily and..." She trailed off before getting the idea. King Rashid nodded at her realization and relayed it to the newbie trader. He told him that he was mature for his age but not enough to handle business, lacks the necessary transportation ways nor the warehouses and the ads. Thais agreed with that and even pointed out that there were still things that he had to consider especially the customers. There will be different kinds of them and will not be easily to handle plus, he would have to contact other kingdoms to have more product to entice the populace.

"Reim is a country that provides entertainment for its citizens and the like. Coliseum fights, theater acts and gambling. It is the sword fights and theater that attract the population the most." She concluded. King Rashid looked at him in the eyes and warned him.

"However, you should not try the sword fights. In those fights, you sometimes have to fight against animals. Right now, the only asset that you have is your body. You do not need to run into danger to earn money. The story about your adventure is somewhat entertaining but if you repeat that in a theater, you will most likely attract more people. I think that this is the best way to make your business go well." He suggested. Sinbad contemplated for a while before agreeing. He stood up and thanked him before rushing out. Thais was about to reach out to him but he had already gone out.

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