2. Intro

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I was sitting in homeroom and doodling in my science notebook when I heard my friends start to make noises as the last group of girls came in. I glanced up to find that it was 'The three' as we liked to call them; they consisted of the cute, tomboy Marrisa Batista, skinny, eccentric Zola Howard, and then there was "The Ass" aka Sasha Campbell, my boys called her that due to her fat ass and stank attitude. Nobody knew why Marrisa and Zola insisted on being Sasha's friend; they even admitted that she could be difficult to be around at times but they stuck with their girl. They were all a little weird but for the most part Marrisa and Zola were well liked by our class, they were both in a lot of extracurricular activities, and they were cute.

Marrisa led them down the aisle to a group of seats that were close to us. Sasha wore a big fat frown so I knew she was not happy about sitting so close to people she obviously didn't like. Marrisa sat in the seat next to me, Zola sat behind me, next to my homeboy DeMarco, who had been talking to her for a couple of months now, and Sasha sat in the empty desk in front of me with her back to the rest of us.

I wasn't close to Zola or Sasha, even though we had all been in the same class since sixth grade, but Marri was my other best friend. She was a cool chick that was always willing to give me advice from the female perspective. Besides family, she and Justin were the only people that I let in to really know me and that said a lot. Zola was cool and could hold a conversation with anyone; she floated from crowd to crowd though her girls were her main group, and Sasha, well she had always been a little socially awkward but it had gotten worse after her mom died. Now she had this evil streak and a lot of people in our class highly disliked her.

A big paper ball went flying from Joshua's hand to the back of Sasha's head while everyone was trying to catch up on each other's weekends. She smooths the back of her stiff permed hairdo before turning to give Josh a glare.

"Opps, it just slipped." He says sarcastically and my friends laugh. I didn't care for the girl but there was no need to be cruel to her.

"Don't mess with me today." Sasha snapped and pushed him before anyone had time to react.

"I know your old limp haired, ugly ass, didn't just put your hands on me." Josh snapped.

"Hold the hell up," Zo stands up as well and I Marrisa going is going off as well. That was one thing you didn't do. You don't mess with Sasha while her girls are around. "Don't be talking to my girl like she is some kind of nobody."

"Shit, if the shoe fits." Josh replied.

"Oh, get your boy DeMarco—" Zo started towards him but Marco grabbed her by the waist to stop her.

"Come on ya'll can't we all just get along?" Marco plays nice for the sake of his girl, when he was once one of Sasha's worse tormentors.

"Ya'll are some dumb asses." Justin pointed at Josh and Marco. I laughed at all the drama that had conspired all before the late bell even rang.

"It's not funny," Marrisa startes on me. "You are just going to let your boys mistreat my friend like that?"

"Look, I'm not in this and who's to say that Josh's paper didn't accidentally hit her and she just flew off the handle? Don't act like your girl isn't out there." Sasha bites her lip angrily and glares at me. I wasn't trying to be mean but it was true.

"Whatever, I don't have time for this shit. I don't like being around idiotic ass little boys anyway. Marri, Zo sit with these imbeciles but just so you know, ten years from now they'll look like shit and will still be dumb, loser, ex-jocks with nothing but a played-out jump shot or tackle to remind them of their glory days." She stands and rambles on and on like she reciting a well-rehearsed speech. "When they're paying child support to six different baby mamas they'll wish that they were nice to Sasha R. Campbell, CEO." Her tangent ends, confirming my previous comment of her being "out there".

We all laughed at her little rant making the girls even madder. Sasha storms up the aisle to a seat that was closer to the front while her girls stayed put due to the full classroom.

"You just mad because no one wants your skeeball ass." Josh egged on some more causing Zola to curse him out. At least they had each other's backs, which was something I couldn't say for some of these cliquey girls in this school.

"Leave it alone, man." I nudged Josh and he finally sat back right as the bell rung. Sasha glanced back at the group one last time. I noticed how pretty her big round eyes were as she peaked over her frames, I also noticed that they were full of grief and anger. I felt bad, Josh didn't have to say all of that to her. I was glad when our homeroom teacher finally entered and all the drama ceased.


I felt mentally drained as I walked out of the history block alongside Marri. I didn't give care to learn anymore about Napoleon or any other fallen dynasties.

"So I probably won't see you anymore today." Marrisa told me as we stopped at her locker. I had first lunch while she was about to head to another class.

"Nope, I get to skim through for the rest of the day. I have study hall then track and field." I smile, thankful that all my lame classes were in the morning.

"You're still coming to my game tomorrow, right?" Marrisa leans against her locker as she fixes her long, wavy ponytail. She was a jeans and t-shirt girl but she always kept her jet-black hair sleek and wore just enough lip gloss to give the appearance that she wasn't a straight up tomboy.

"That's the plan if my Aunt isn't acting crazy." I scratched at my head. I had taken all of my braids down in hopes that she would do it tonight.

"I should have had study hall with you I could have braided that mess." She stands on her toes to tussle my wild hair.

"Right, that was the best part about study hall last semester. You kept me looking fly."

"Well, I try, I can't have my Le going out there looking any kind of way." She grinned before apply a fresh coat of pink lip gloss. The warning bell rang, which was our cue to go in separate directions. "Me abrazo hermano." She commands her hug when I start to walk off.

"Sí hermanita." I hug and kiss her cheek. "Good luck with the game. I want to see ya'll in the playoffs this year." I held up our school symbol and she did the same.


I sat at lunch eating with friends when I saw Sasha walk in. She was always one of the last people to come into our lunch period. Unfortunately, she did not share the same lunch as either one of her friends. Her little brother, Rashad, was walking out as she was walking in so she couldn't even sit with him. After getting her tray, she found a place to sit at an empty table. I popped some fries in my mouth and laughed at a joke someone made after tearing my gaze from her.

"So who are you taking to the dance Leon?" One of my boy's exes asked while batting her eyes at me. I brushed off her gaze because I knew that was against the code.

"I don't know yet." I finally answered after a few gulps of my Sprite. All the girls were going crazy about this underclassmen formal because it was the biggest dance of sophomore year.

"Aight 'you don't know', all the good girls are almost taken." My boy Justin says to me.

"Right, you're going to end up with that ugly ass brood." Lester, a friend of ours, points at Sasha, who had taken off her glasses and was quietly eating her meal.

"Damn, why she got to be all that? What did she do to you?" Justin asked him.

"I can't stand her ass. She thinks she so damn smart but I'm going to hit that one day just to show her who's boss." he said along with crude gestures.

I joined in on the laughter even though it made no sense to me. Yeah, the girl was high on her horse but there was no need in trying to knock her down if she wasn't bothering anyone. Lester rolls his tongue between his index and middle finger as he motions at Sasha. When she noticed she rolled her eyes and gives him the finger before sticking her nose back into her book.

"Like I said man, if you don't pick someone soon, you'll have that on your arm."

© Marveliye

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