Act 6 Future Life

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~This is a journal entry from Juliet when she is sixty year old and looking on past life~

It was a few months after the marriage when Romeo decides to ask me if we wanted to try for a baby I agreed. The next thing I know in nine months I have two beautiful kids twins one girl and one boy. We decided to name Olivia and Owen. Months later we have a battle that I thought we would never had, and it was cancer against Romeo. Fortantully Romeo fought through it the kids grew up, and the kids started preschool during that time. I had a good track record until I came down with a disease called Parkison I was only thirty,but I remembered my dad side had it so I still have it but I'm fighting every day. During this time the kids was flying by elementary school, and the next thing I know the kids are going through Confirmation and 8th grade Graduation. Months pass and the next thing we find out is that my cousin Tybalt passes, and at the same time Mercutio in Romeo family side passes due to overdose. The kids during that time started to struggle with school, but I helped them get through those hard times. The next thing I know is Romeo is turning fifty and soon after I turn forty-nine. Time passes kids found their dates. Senior prom comes around the next thing I know it. Both kids went with dates, and they enjoyed it. Unfortunately month later Romeo has a relapse of cancer and is struggling to get through. He made it throught the kids senior graduation. Then by the time they started college Romeo fight through cancer and survived again. Skip ahead to now we both have grown in age, and both our kids have husband and wife with kids. We are now looking back through time seeing the enjoyable me and Romeo had throughout the years we are happy together, and it has been fifty-five years worth of marriage, and we are enjoying every moment with it

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