Day 3., Thursday (Oct. 20.)

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The next day after breakfast ("I'll just have a tea, thanks.") they visited the Catacombs of Paris first. They took the 130 steps down with the other early-riser visitors at 10 AM to begin their audio-guided tour throughout the 2 km long stretching tunnels.

Soon they found themselves in front of an inscription 'Arrête! C'est ici l'empire de la Mort'.

"What's that mean?" – Asked Tanner who didn't speak French.

Q answered in awe.

"It means: 'Stop! This is the Empire of the Dead'. Brilliant!" – Tanner just shook his head. The boy seemed to possess a morbid sense of humor sometimes. Not many would consider this message 'brilliant'.

It soon turned out that Q already knew more about the place than what they were told in the headphones but that fact didn't stop him from immensely enjoying it of course.

"Unbelievable! Over six million people are buried here! It's no wonder the entrance is near the Barrière d'Enfer – Gate of Hell. This whole place used to be called 'The World's Largest Grave' for a reason."

"I think it's absolutely creepy. I wouldn't want to remain trapped down here alone, that's for sure."

"Are you afraid of ghosts, Bill?" – Asked Q teasingly.

"No... Well. Let's just say I don't want to disturbe anyone: alive or dead."

The teenager laughed at him and Tanner soon joined. The boy's good mood was contagious.

When the tour ended, they headed for the next adventure for that day: to see the Moulin Rouge, the Montmartre and the Basilica of the Sacré-Cœur.

"So, this is where the really 'nasty' things happen?" – Asked Q, pointing at the building of the Moulin Rouge. – "I somehow thought it would be much bigger, given its reputation..."

"The size isn't everything. I'm sure Bond could tell you endless stories about this place."

Q shuddered at the thought.

"I don't think I want to hear them. I have already heard too much of his little adventures over the comms. I'm afraid I might be scarred for life."

"I've always said his honeypot missions should be rated M..."

They climbed the hill, marveling at the beauty of the city and the view as they were nearing the top.

"It's breathtaking! This whole city is a wonder!"

"Yes, it is. I've always liked coming here. It's so relaxing."

"I can understand Annabel's enthusiasm now." – Thinking about the girl made Q somewhat sad but he fortunately didn't have much time to dwell on it because just then they reached the Sacré-Cœur. – "Wow! The 'Mount of Martyrs' that was already a place of rituals even for the Druids, now bearing the 'Sacred Heart' of the city..."

"And this is also the highest point of the city. The panorama is unique from here."

"I bet! Come on, let's have a look!"

They spent over an hour there, walking around outside and inside of the Basilica.

"What would you like to have for lunch?" – Asked Tanner then quickly added, not giving the boy time to open his mouth. – "I won't take 'nothing' for an answer, mind you."

"It doesn't really matter..."

"Then let's look for a restaurant here nearby."

They did so and found a small but comfortable Italian place where even Q could be coaxed to try some pizza.

Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q

In the afternoon, Q and Tanner visited the Notre Dame Cathedral where they climbed up into both Towers and also went to the Treasury, then ultimately the Archaeological Crypt.

As they were leaving, Bill asked:

"So, son, what did you think?"

"It's just monumental! This is the 'Lady of Paris' without doubt. I can't even decide what I liked best... Maybe the Crypt."

"My boy, you really are a bit too enthusiastic about creepily morbid places..." – Teased Tanner.

"Well, it's not my fault I spend my whole life surrounded by lunatics! I was bound to become crazy in such an environment sooner or later! Besides, I also liked the organs, the bells and the statues. Oh, and the gargoyles and chimeras! They're the best!"

"Didn't you find them a bit disturbing?"

"Well, they're supposed to be grotesque, aren't they? I mean: anything that's half human and half animal with a wicked grimace on its beaked face is of course meant to be a bit horrific."

"And that's what you like?"

"Oh, YES!"

Tanner just shook his head smiling and directed the boy towards the subway station. They wanted to go to the Palais Royal next. It was next to the Louvre but the day before they didn't have the time to see it after their visit to the museum so they wanted to do it now.

Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q

The Palais Royal – or as it had originally been called: Palais Cardinal – was a palace built in the 17th century that had housed among others King Luis XIII, Luis XIV the Sun King and Philippe I, Duke of Orléans. As usual, Q already knew more about the Palace's history than what any guided tour could have told them, so they just opted to walk around on their own in it.

"Can you imagine living in a huge place like that?" – He asked Tanner as they made their way out of the building to take a walk in the gardens.

"No, never. I misplace everything as it is all the time; it would be a nightmare trying to find my slippers in such a big house!"

"I wouldn't even wish for a bigger apartment than what I have, let alone a palace. I like my small flat, it's cozy."

"I'm glad to hear that. One would think you like your office in HQ better with the amount of time you spend there."

"Well, I do like it, to tell you the truth. The couch is comfortable to sleep on and I have my own bathroom there. And also: there I am amongst all the super-computers of MI6. What else could I want?"

"A life, maybe?"

"Hmmm... Or maybe gardens like that. I just love the nature! Just look at these trees! It's all so beautiful in the fall with all the colors."

It really was quite breathtaking so they spent the remaining time of the daylight out there, marveling at the sight.

They returned to the hotel late in the evening again, ready to drop half-dead into bed and sleep 'till the next morning.

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