I tightened my grip on my bow.

"Your Henry's family I'm guessing." I said.

"Callie don't let Pan--" she started until I yelled.

"His name is Peter!" I hated it when people called him Pan

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"His name is Peter!" I hated it when people called him Pan.

"don't let Peter brain wash you. He's a monster." Snow said.

"No he's not." I said.

"We know what happened." Regina said.

"Do you? Did you know that Our parents left us when I was 5? 5! Peter was the only one who cared about me! The only one! We came to Neverland to be free! And we were for the longest time! You left us Hook. You left me! I thought you were the only other person I could trust besides Peter, But no you left! You left because you didn't care about me. Because I was to different for you, And now you come back to save Henry. All I ever wanted was a family who could love me! I thought that you could give me that, But no. Peter was right this whole time. You never cared about me or anyone." I said sternly trying to hold back the tears.

Hook was shocked by what I had just said.

"Callie, I left because Peter made me. He was jealous that you were friends with me. Peter feels like he owns you! He told me that if I didn't leave he would kill me. All he ever said about me was a lie." Hook said his eyes full of regret.

"Peter would never do that." I said.

"He has been Lying this whole time. You just haven't realized it." Charming said.

I lowered my bow.

"Is that so?" Peter asked stepping out of the shadows coming up to my side.

Everyone got their weapons ready.

"How long have you been listening?" Hook asked.

"Well I heard Callie when she was yelling and I came to check up on her." Peter said with a smile. "When will you ever learn just to give up."

"When we get Henry and Callie." Emma said.

"Why would you want me?" I asked quietly.

"You're a beautiful girl and you need a real family

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"You're a beautiful girl and you need a real family. We can give that to you." Emma said.

It actually warmed my heart knowing that somebody else might actually care for me.

"She's lying. She just wants you to give back Henry then she will leave without you." Peter said which made my smile go away and I looked down.

"he's lying!" Emma said running towards me until something like a force field sent her flying back. I looked up and gasped.

"Peter!" I yelled.

"You see the game is about to change." Peter said to Emma as he picked me up and swinging me over his shoulder. I kicked and squirmed trying to get out of his grip.

He threw me onto the ground when we got to camp.

"What the hell?" I yelled.

Peter was furious.

"What the hell? Callie why would you listen to them? Why were you with them? I told you to stay away!" He yelled.

"I didn't want to! They got into my head! They found me!" I yelled back.

"Just get up and don't ever leave this camp again without me or a Lost Boy!" He yelled at me walking off.

"Why do you think you control me?" I yelled tears fighting to come out.

Peter turned around.

"It's not like I was gonna team up with them and go against you! Your my brother! I love you! I didn't know what was going on! I was terrified. All I have is you. You think that your best brother ever and that you treat me the best, but you don't! I'm not some Lost Boy Slave! I'm a girl, your little sister! I need you!" Tears were now streaming down my face.

Peters eyes turned into regret for what he just did. I fell to my knees as Peter came running over to me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Im sorry Cal. I don't know what came over me.. Your mine and I love you to death." He said as a tear came out of his eye.

I wrapped my arms around him and cried. I didn't want to loose him.

But what if what Emma was saying was true?

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