Don't Bother The Witches

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I ran through the woods, fast. As fast as I could. I made my feet go to their limit. I tried to push. Push faster and faster, over my limit that my own legs could carry me. Dodging trees, rocks. Jumping logs, ducking for branches. I looked back. The person following me wasn't there. I turned my head back to see where I was going. There was a man in front of me. Tall, dark. I wasn't sure who he was. I stopped, falling to the ground and snarling at him.

"Oh, what's wrong?" He said to me in a calm voice that should have been soothing.

I jumped up, faster then any human. Maybe because I wasn't human. I snarled at him, showing him I would fight if I had to.

He shook his head. 'I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to give you a warning."

"A warning about what?" I hissed.

He talked in a calm voice, making sure he didn't set me off. "A warning about harming witches. I don't want you threatening them. They did noting wrong and nothing to hurt you."

I looked at him. Up and down, studied his body posture and language. He was relaxed, but ready to lunge if I attacked.

"Do you understand?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Yes, Marcel. She understands." A female voice said.

I turned and saw a blonde walk out from behind a tree. It was Rebekah. She was practically my best friend. She was also the vampire that created me.

"Oh... Rebekah. How nice of you to join us." Marcel smiled at her.

She rolled her eyes and tugged my arm. "Come on. We should go.'

I glared at Marcel and he glared back at me.

"Next time, you won't be getting a warning!" He called after us as we zipped off through the woods.

We arrived at Rebekah's house. Well, it was her family's house. The Mikaelson's house. She pulled me in through the door.

"What were you thinking?" She asked, looking me in the eye. "You could have gotten yourself killed! We don't threaten witches like that!"

I sighed and looked at her. "I know, but I couldn't help it! She was calling you guys extremely bad names."

"We are used to it, love." Klaus said as he walked out of the kitchen with a scotch in hand and laid on the couch, kicking his feet up on the armrest.

"I understand you're new to this. Like, five months new to this. You don't have to freak out unless you see one of them using magic in public or if they are threatening someone." Rebeka said.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine. But I can't guarantee anything." I walked off towards the kitchen.

"I like her!" I heard Klaus say when I turned the corner into the kitchen. I heard Rebekah sigh.

Elijah sat at the table, reading a book. I grabbed a glass of wine and sat across from him.

"What are you reading?" I asked.

"Some book that relates to World War Two.' He said, turning a page.

I smirked. He was the sweetest on of the three. Very nice and polite.

"So, is it good?"

"I'm only two chapters in, so you tell me." He looked up at me and smirked.

I smiled back and lightly laughed. "Well, tell me how it is when you're done."

"Will do."

I got up and set my glass on the counter.

"Oh, and Natalia..." He said before I walked away.

I turned and looked at him.

"My sister is right. Just leave the witches alone unless they are a threat."

"I'm supposed to leave them alone, but Klaus can do whatever he wants with them?" I asked in almost a whisper, so the others couldn't hear me.

"That's because I can't die."

I looked over to the doorway to see Klaus standing there, leaning up against the door frame. He was holding his empty glass.

"That seems pretty fair to me." He said, smiling at me.

To be honest, that smile was actually very attractive, but I just rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to get a shower." I turned and walked towards the stairs.

"Maybe you're little boyfriend will join you!" Klaus called to me. He was talking about Elijah.

I turned around and looked at him. "Excuse me?"

I noticed Elijah had looked up from his book and at his brother. He had a look of disgust on his face. We didn't like each other like that. We got along like brother and sister or best friends. Same way I got along with Rebekah. Klaus was the one I didn't always get along with.

"Niklaus..." Elijah warned him. He knew I would attack him.

"Fine, fine. Run along and get your shower." Klaus said, waving me away to the stairs.

I shook my head, turning back around and walking up the stairs.

I grabbed some clothes from my room, walking into the bathroom. I tossed them on the side of the sink and took the ones off I had on, tossing them in the hamper.

I turned the water on and got in. The warm water pouring over my chilly skin. I must have been in there for a good 20 minutes. Rebekah came and knocked on the door.

"Hey, we are going out to hunt. Like to join?"

I turned the water off. "Yeah, sure. Let me get dressed."

"We will be waiting downstairs." She told me and I heard a gust of wind as she zipped off.

I got out, drying my hair the best I could then my body. I threw on my clothes and tied up my brown hair in a messy bun. I looked in the mirror quick, my blue eyes shining. I shrugged figuring I was good to go. I zipped downstairs where the others were.

"Sure takes a vampire long enough to get dressed." Klaus said, leaning against the door. "Are you ready now or do you," he waved his hand around his face. "wanna put on some makeup as well?"

I rolled my eyes again. "I'm fine! Lets go. I'm kind of hungry."

He smiled. "Okay then." He opened the door and made a motion. "Ladies first."

I let out a deep sigh and walked out the door, Rebekah following me.

*Author's Note: This is a fanfic from The Originals. I hope you guys enjoy it.*

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