Chapter 2

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A/n: What is up you guys? Hope you like the first chapter b3ecause here comes the second one hope you like to comment on if you like what should i put/ I have a very special question would you like blue or white or another color comment on my page and I will decide and leave your name without further of a do go and enjoy the chapter.

~Chapter Two

Y/n's Pov

It was currently morning the only thing you heard was Ash's silent snoring and her the birds chirping.

You stretched out and looked around making sure there was nothing dangerous around you. You were still on the look out for a town or a little village since you left town a day go. You took small jobs to get some money for food or for a train ticket.

You were currently in a forest camping with Ash she was asleep so you shook her.

"Ashley wake up we have to keep going to the next town so we can grab something to eat," you said while standing up.

"Five more minutes I was dreaming of eating a big chocolate cupcake," she said while yawning and stretching.

"If you want a chocolate cupcake then get up were Are almost in the next town," you said while folding your blanket and put it in your bag.

"Were are almost in the town Mongolia right?"Ash asked while doing the same thing as you.

"Yep can't wait to eat something maybe we will bump into some strong wizards there too," you said with excitement while putting your bag on.

"Mhmm" Ash agreed with you.

You both started to walked to the opened field of grass while wind hit your face making your H/c fly with the wind. You were conversations with ash on what you guys were going to do next when you guys get to the next city/town.

"So when we get to the town we are going to eat and then what?" Ashley said while she shrugged her shoulders.

" How about we joined a guild or something we been traveling for a long time since Chi and Hydra left for the their "meeting"?" You said while walking in the town.

Once you finish you sentence you looked at everyone in the town they looked at you and ash.

"Look its the is the earth goddess and her royal guard" one of the towns people said.

"She is so beautiful and strong that's how women should be," a man said.

You only smiled at their comments and looked a back at Ashley.

"We should join a guild stop traveling and focus on something else, I cannot get the fact they gave us those nicknames," she said while smiling at them.

"Yeah, me either hey let asked if there any strong guild in this town/city," you said and Ashley agreed and you guys went to a restaurant to eat something.

"How may I help you I'm your waitress for today my name is Elizabeth can I get you started on some drink?" Elizabeth spoke kindly.

"Yes Elizabeth we would get water and we are ready to order," you said while she wrote down what you guys wanted.

"What would you like to eat in this fine morning?" She said while looking at you.

" I will take f/b (favorite breakfast) and she will have an omelet with hash browns on the side that will be all," you said to the blonde waitress.

"Your Order will be right up ma'am," she said while walking away.

~skip time to lazy to write

Once you were done with the food you went outside with ash and kept on walking.

"Hey let asked the lady over," Ashley said while looking at the lady who was selling flowers to an older man.

"Good morning Ma'am," you said toward her while giving her a smile.

" good morning ladies how may help you today?" She asked.

"You see we are new in town we are looking for a guild if there are any nearby," you said.

"Well Y'all ladies are looking for fairy tail there is the strongest guild of Fiore" she spoke with a smile.

" Well, ma'am can you give us direction on where it is?" Ashley said kindly.

"Well of course," She said and pointed at the big build across the town.

"Thank you, ma'am," you said while bowing giving thanks.

"Anytime," She said while smiling.

You guys waved goodbye toward the lady now known as Mrs. Kyoto the flower lady.

You guys walked across the town/city and saw the building it was huge it had the guild insignia on it and it said Fairy Tail.

the only word you two said it was 


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