"Thelonius." The man in glasses says sounding impatient and I watch in horror as one of the body guards pulls out a gun.

The loud crack of the gun going off echoes across the driveway and we all stare in silence as her body falls to the ground. 

"If you obey, these types of things will not happen to you." The "Master" says and I swallow the lump in my throat as we are pushed to follow him into the house. 

"You're going to be taken to the servants quarters and given jobs, your life here can be great ladies. Just don't forget to obey!" He says the last part like a little song almost as if speaking to infants then turns and walks down a different hallway.

We get brought downstairs to the basement and I am surprised to see the quarters are clean and comfortable looking. The bodyguards leave us with a loud bang from the door and a few other servant girls approach us with warm smiles.

"Hello, welcome everyone." One girl says looking calm and sincere. 

"We are all aware of how scared you must have been coming here, but don't worry. Master Aldin was sincere with you, no harm will come to you if you obey and do your jobs." She continues as she begins to guide us over to some beds on the right side of the room. 

"I will be assigning you jobs based off of your skills and interests, also a serious word of warning." She stops and turns to look at us with a dark expression.

"Always try to blend into the wallpaper, there are other girls here who are chosen to accompany the Masters when the Masters eye them up and take an interest in them. You do not want this to happen." She warns us and we all nod in silence. 

"Never speak to a Master unless they speak to you first, always call them Master as it is respectful. " She continues as we follow her into a large and beautiful kitchen. 

"This is the kitchen, here is where we prep all the food for everyone in the mansion, including the Masters. Do we have any volunteers for cooking duty?" She asks and she eyes us all up. The other girls look to scared to do anything so I slowly raise my right arm, the girl looks at me and her face lights up.

"Fantastic! Have you ever cooked before?" She asks and I nod in response.

"It's okay sweetie you can use your words." She warmly tells me and I clear my throat.

"I've cooked on and off through out my life, I've always wanted to be a chef." my words come out as a whisper and she smiles at me. 

"Well then you stay here, the girls who work here will be back shortly and I will continue to show the rest of the ladies around and assigning them places to work." She responds and I nod meekly and watch them leave me alone in the sparkling kitchen. 

I feel like I can breathe for the first time since all of this happened and I lean against the counter ignoring the pain in my arm as I take in shaky breaths. 

See? Everything is going to be fine, just don't piss anyone off and you won't be shot. 

That poor girl, she was so scared and confused. They shot her without hesitation. 

What kind of a place is this?

I look around the kitchen and stare at the fridge with my stomach growling, I wonder if I will be allowed to eat before I start working.

The comfortable silence around me is interrupted as a group of girls barge into the room, none of them seem to be over the age of twenty five, the youngest looking around seventeen. 

They see me and smile, I am greeted and they ambush me with their names and warm welcomes. 

"Would you like something to eat before we start?" The red haired girl asks me, I think her name was Amber. 

Marked by the Omega, Mate to the AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now