As I gaze into the window of a clothing store I notice an expensive black car on the opposite side of the road from me in the reflection of the glass.

Weird... There isn't anyone in this town with that kind of money. I turn around and look at the car hoping to see the driver but the windows are tinted so dark it barely looks legal. I notice other townsfolk eyeing the car up suspiciously as well.

I should probably move on and not poke my head where it doesn't belong. I turn on my heel and begin walking back towards the park. When I turn the corner and look down the gravel path I smile as I see the park empty. The only good thing about the rain lately has been getting to be here alone.

I run down the path and jump onto a swing, dangling my feet I stare up and let the rain droplets fall onto my face and tongue.

"Excuse me miss." A foreign voice breaks me out of my happy thoughts and I look to my right to see a large man in a black trench coat standing beside the bars that holds the swing set together.

Something isn't right here.

I ignore the voice in my head as I eye him up suspiciously, he doesn't seem bothered by the rain pattering onto his bald head and is totally alone.

This is wrong, something isn't right about this.

I shake my head slightly and give him a welcoming smile.

"What can I do for you?" I ask in my friendliest voice, I don't want him to see that I am nervous at all.

He goes to take another step towards me and I fly off the swing and face him with my hand reaching toward my back pocket where I can feel my knife.

"Whoa it's okay, I just wanted to ask you for some directions." He hold out his hands as he speaks but I notice him still trying to move towards me so I take a couple steps back and narrow my eyes at him.

"Why did you need to come to the park to ask?" I answer him but my voice wavers slightly and he smiles at me.

"Well you see-" I gasp as he runs straight at me, I attempt to pull the knife from my pocket as his full body weight collapses against me. I fall and cry out as the wind is knocked out of my lungs and look up dazed to see him on top of me.

"It's okay little thing." He says in a dark tone, I can still barely breathe so I gather all the saliva in my mouth and spit as hard as I can in his face. He swears at me and when he lifts his hand to wipe it away I try to roll out from under him.

"You stupid little bitch!" I feel his hand smack me across the face and stars explode behind my eyes. I scream bloody murder as he grabs a handful of my hair and starts to drag me and I struggle to get him to release me.


I gasp and grab the pocket knife from my back pocket, I flick it open and jab it into his hand causing him to release me and scream in pain. With every piece of strength I have I push myself off the ground and run straight for the woods. It feels effortless, almost like I am flying with my adrenaline running so high.

"Someone help me!" I scream as I run, I turn to look behind me and gasp as my feet fly into the air and my face smashes into a rock. I groan and with shaky arms pick myself back up. I can't hear him chasing after me but I need to keep running anyways.

I ignore the blood dripping from my face and run to the river, I jump in without hesitation and start to swim across.

"If you don't come back with me I'll kill your dumb old friend!" I hear the man shout and I freeze. Oh god... Bill...

Marked by the Omega, Mate to the AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora