She jerked away from his grasp, glaring up at him. Her yellow eyes flashed with something she didn't voice, but Zane could see it almost as clearly as if the words were written across her face.

I've seen what you are capable of.

She knew his darker side, and the fact that she wasn't saying it out loud spoke volumes about her character. She accepted the darkness in him because it was the same darkness that lived in her, and no matter how much they both tried to fight it, they both knew it was there.

She drew strength from hers, using it to make the hard decisions, to make sacrifices, to save the one she loved. Maybe Zane could learn to channel the darkness as she had. In that moment, they reached a silent understanding.

His hand flew before he questioned himself. She rocketed backwards, landing hard on the ground at the feet of her stunned guard.

Zane's ring caught her on the cheek, and the large green stone tore a gash out of her flesh. She was bleeding freely. The dark red of her glamoured blood trickled over her smooth skin, adding the final touches to her ruse, just as she'd planed.

Ash knelt at her side, his large hands reaching for her gently, like she was shattered glass he was carefully picking up—the beautiful spun glass destroyed. Zane stared down at her, shocked by his actions, but not sorry.

"Sir." One of the guards handed him the uniform he'd requested. He changed quickly, pulling the Bluescale tabard over his shirt and slapping on the belt the guard handed him. The dagger beat against his left thigh while the weight of the quell was felt on the other side. Paige was just coming to when he was finished changing.

"Paige," he said, kneeling by her side, but Ash pulled her away, clearly holding his tongue against the prince who had hurt his queen.

"Holy hell, Zane," Paige groaned, lifting her hand to her cheek.

He caught her hand. "Let it bleed," he said softly.

"Yeah, sure. How's it look?"

"Awful. Everyone here is appalled, and would gladly do the same to me."

"Good. Let's get this started." Ash and Zane helped her to her feet. "Byran, you better go back in first."

Byran nodded and returned to the guard station by the same side door they had left. As Zane watched Byran go, one of the guards stepped forward, handing Zane a set of manacles to place on Paige's wrists. After she was secure, as any other prisoner would be, Ash and Zane walked her to the front door.

"Don't forget to treat me like a criminal." Ash nodded. Then to Zane, she said, "And don't hover."


"Yeah. I need space to work, so don't be hanging around like some expectant father. If you have to, find something to distract yourself."

"Like what?" he asked, knowing he wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything else.

"Have Lavender come down. I'm sure she can offer an adequate distraction for you. I don't really care, just don't get in my way."

"Don't worry about me. I'm not the one being locked up with a killer."

"Just try not to act like a fool."

"I'll do my best," he said scathingly. He sighed and paused at the door, knowing he'd better add the finishing touch to sell her story. On his belt was a standard-issued quell, a silver collar imbued with magic stones that cast a spell over the dragon wearing it, preventing them from transforming into their dragon forms.

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