Chapter 32,"Going to"

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HAAAAAAY how's your day going, Thank you,
Suggletje Honeyandzoe sslane51 Melbelforlife pepper2424 KennedySoureka 5SecondsOfLarryFeels scndstarr glxwymind
You guys are the best


Louis POV:

"Where is the point C located?" I was now in math, which was my 4th hour which was completely boring, but my next class was with Harry. Our teacher was teaching us about quadrats and shit, like we didn't already know that. "Ah yes, Brinn, please right the answer on the board" Our teacher smiled as this 'Brinn' came up. Brinn walked in front of the class, I've never saw her before she had brown long hair and she wore a pink dress that went to her mid-thigh. She solved the problem quickly and showed a big smile showing her white teeth "Thank you Brinn, you may go take a seat" The teacher spoke Brinn turned and looked at me and winked continuing back to her seat, I cringed and just shook my head

Our teacher was about to speak again but was interrupted by the bell and everybody rushing out the class I collected my things I looked up and realized Brinn was standing in front of my desk "Um, hi" I said "Hey, Your kind of cute" She bit her lip, I let out a huff "I'm gay" I said awkwardly I saw her whole face turn red in embarrassment "Oh, I'm sorry, so sorry" she said "It's ok, you didn't know.... see you around" I walked past her and out the door entering the student filled hallway.

I walked down the hall making my way to my locker having to push past a few people. It took me only took me 1 minute to get to my locker which was a surprise. I opened my locker easily and out the things in that I didn't need and grab the things I did. The moment when I closed my lockers I felt arms wrap around my waist I jumped in response "Hey, Baby" Harry's voice was heard in my ear, I turned to face him I lightly hit his chest "You scared me" I grinned and Harry chuckled "Let's get to class, we don't wanna be late do we?" Harry took my free hand in his and led the way to class

"Sense when do you care if we're late" I said showing a smirk "Sense now" Harry smiled his dimples popping out. Before I knew it we were in class, Me and Harry sat by each other happily. I took out my paper that I wrote about Harry and Harry already had his out I could tell he was excited. The bell rang indicating that class has started "Hello class, Hope you all had a good weekend"  One of my favorite teachers announces to the class "Well as you already knew, today we are presenting! So make sure you have your writings out and ready" She took a paper from her desk "First up is Ava and Emma after them is Lucas  and Lisa" Our teacher smiled watching as the two girls came up in front.

The two girls made a poem about their friendship It was sweet Now Lucas and Lisa were talking about being brother and sister, Next was us I was a bit scared but I knew Harry would be their for me. I looked over at Harry and saw him staring deeply into space I nudged him with my elbow knocking him back into reality "Good job you two, Next up is Louis and Harry" I let out a breath before I stood up walking in front of the class with Harry. Harry had his paper in his hands ready to read telling me he's going first

"Louis, You are so beautiful, You make me so happy, When you smile you make me smile when you laugh you make me laugh, You bring so much joy into my life and I'm so grateful for that, We may have our ups and downs but we still make it through"

Harry Continued to talk, I grinned at him as he read his paper not even focusing on the rest of the students in the class, Before I knew it he was done reading his paper and I had tears in my eyes (I didn't know what else to say on the paper soo sorry) now it was my turn I raised my paper up and started to read

"Harry, When we first met I never imagined  We be together, we were total opposites but we found the similarities in  each other but the differences is what made our relationship better, I'm so happy to be with you"

(Okay, Let's pretend that they both wrote long papers to each other, My mind is stuck and I can't think of anything else, okay back to the story :P)

After we were done reading there was silence in the class then there was a slow steady clap that grew louder and faster I smiled at my classmates "Excellent job" I looked over at our teacher seeing that she had tears in her eyes, damn we did that good


I'm sorry this chapter is much shorter I know please don't kill me

BTW I'm making this new story called Twitter, So yeah

I'm super tired soooo


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