Chapter 1

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(Edited again..) The beginning
Song: The beginning nightcore

Lucy's p.o.v.

"Hey Lucy, come here for a second!"

A quick sigh escaped my lips before turning towards Natsu with an annoyed look before walking towards him.

"Sorry to break this to you on such a short notice, but you're weak. You really can't defend yourself without your keys," My eyed narrowed, just where exactly is this going?

"So?" I question him with obvious irritation, lips thinning.

"So? Wow, you truly are stupid. Being weak ruins our reputation as a team, and you on our team does exactly that. You're off the team, Lucy." I Clenched my jaw at his mocking tone until I processed what he actually just said.

Nearly snarling at him, clenching my hands to the point they became a placid white and crescents formed from my nails investing themselves.

)Can we just say this story is horrible and end it there? Please? I doubt any actually likes this, I'm editing this again and it's still bad, no matter what I do(


I blinked out of my rate infused doze, realizing I had just punch the pink-hard boy standing before me. I raised my eyebrows in amusement at my own actions before walking off, out of the guild hall.

Taking a nice stroll to my apartment, I slowed down a pace near the small river. Without realizing it, I stopped completely from looking at myself. Only then did realized how drastically I changed within two years.

My hair looked unkempt and a shade darker than usual. I had eyebags underneath my eyelids, making me seem like one of those addict drunks.

Another sigh leaves my lips before words comes out. "I'm leaving the guild tomorrow, no point in staying." The words surprised me by how soft they were, seeing how I was beyond mad.

Giving my reflection one last look, I started turned towards the direction of my apartment and began walking. I still had to pack and give myself some time to build my way up to my best again.

Back in the guild hall (third person)

Natsu stood there, frozen with a bruise forming his cheek. His eyes was wide from what had just transpired before sneering. The blonde slut had just punched him.

'How dare she,' The boy thought, eyes darkening. 'Then she runs off like the coward she is.' Oh how natsu wanted to run after her just to see the satisfying picture of the Blondie laying before me, black and blue, some places scorched from his beating.

Natsu smirked at the very thought, and was just about to follow after her before he was grabbed tightly by the shoulder. Snarling, the boy whipped around to see who dare stop him. Huh? Gray?

Said person only solemnly shook his head, saying without words not to follow Lucy. Natsu sneered before ripping Gray's hand off his should and walked off, but not following Lucy like he intended to do.

The guild after that went back to their regular schedule, slightly more hushed before the incident, no doubt talking about it.

Not one person gave a second thought about Lucy never coming back to the guild the next day, or any day for a very, very long time.

I hate editing things.. )update of the update; at this point I stopped editing for a short while, so some of the things may not make sense for a while.(

Third person

The next day, Lucy woke up especially early for what will happen. She was leaving the guild today.

Before standing up from her bed, she stared into the distance, thinking about all the times within fairytail. She faintly smiled at those memories before shaking her head and walking towards her bathroom to start the day.


"Yes, it is true. I'm leaving today, oh, and please don't mention about this action to anyone, alright?"

The landlord's eyes seemed to shine with tears before it left, and nodded.

Lucy lips turned upwards before grabbing her luggage and walking to fairytail. She knew this very day, everyone would be gone from the guild besides the grandmaster. That is why she was leaving so soon.

Gotta love them timeskips...

Lucy gripped the door handle hesitantly before pushing it. She took one last look all around the guild she once had a family with before heading towards the office.

Knocking on the door three times was more stressful than she had ever thought. Never once in her had she thought she would want this to happen.

Hearing a faint "come in" only added to this stress. Once more, a sigh was let out before she opened the door silently.

"Ah! Lucy. I didn't expect anyone to be here today" the man gave her a polite eye smile before turning serious.

"You don't normally show up anymore, what brings you here this early?" His voice held curiosity and shock in it.

"I'm leaving the guild." Better to go straight to the point, right?

After she said that, his eyes widened incredibly and began sputtering on his very own saliva. Lucy held out her hand that held the insignia, obviously not wanting to explain. "If that is what you want my dear, I shall grant you it." His voice sounding very solemn.

Lucy gave a sad smile towards him and nodded, giving him her approval. The old man began chanting words and after a minute or two, the pink mark faded our of existence.

She said how she was sorry and that she couldn't take it any longer, before walking up to the short man and hugging him. "Goodbye"

(Edit: there's so much I want to change in the story line, so chapter will randomly appear or disappear for a short while. I hope this was a better edited version, because I really hated that the last time I edited it made it only a fraction better. I have not watched or read any fairytail related things so I may not remember much. It's my own story and I make things, so oh well.)

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