"Well, I'm getting your fox smell all over my uniform." she said in a hushed tone.

"A large bump caused them to crash their heads into one another. They had to grit their teeth to try not to cry out from the pain.

"Seriously though, how do we know where we're going?" asked Nick.

"Well...We'll wait until the elephant drops us off at the luggage carry. Then from there, we can find where we're going."

Judy peeked her bright purple eye through the hole, watching where the elephant was taking them. She sighed with relief when she saw he was putting down the suitcase, when a dark black stallion wearing a suit and tie strolled over and picked up the handle. She saw him have a brief conversation with the elephant which she did not hear, before he began taking the suitcase towards the elevator. The elevator had dark black doors that opened to reveal a golden room. The elevator room had designs in the walls, with all sorts of animals etched in gold.

Judy took in the sights. She'd never been in a place with this much gold and decorations. Neither had Nick.

"Once we get to the hallway, we'll hop out and try to find a place to hide." she whispered to him, trying to keep an eye on her voice level. The only other animal here was the horse carrying the case.

He nodded in agreement.

The doors finally opened to reveal a brightly lit hallway. The floors had a light and dark green leaf design on them, and jungle paintings lined the walls.

A dark blue waterfall was painted on the right side of the wall, with shimmering water pooling around it. The hallway was beautiful. But the two didn't have time to enjoy the amazing artwork. The horse strode out of the elevator and began walking down the hallway. Judy saw a sign on the wall that said "Floor 20"

"Floor twenty..That's only one floor away from the penthouse.." Judy looked at Nick who was waiting to get out. He had a worried look on his face. She thought for a moment, then touched his arm. He flinched at first, but then looked at her, wondering what she wanted.

"I'm going to get out. Stay here." she whispered.

"What? Why? What are you doing?" he asked quickly, trying to keep his voice low.

"I have to figure out where the wolf is at."

"Carrots, you're going to get us caught. Stay here."

"No. We won't get anywhere if we both stay in this case. I'll be right back."

"Carrots, N-" But Nick was caught off as she quickly unzipped the zipper to where she could barely fit through and jumped out. She dove behind the horse before he could notice her.

She dusted herself off and stood up.

"Excuse me stallion sir, but could you assist me in finding a certain mammal?" she asked.

The horse stopped suddenly, looking down to meet her gaze.

"Pff...A bunny..cop?" he asked with a giggle.

Judy ignored him, and asked again.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me. I asked if you could assist in helping me find a wolf. He supposedly is staying in this hotel."

The horse sighed.

"Why are you asking?"

"Because I am a police officer, looking for a suspected criminal."

"Suspected criminal?" asked the horse, who began backing away from her slowly.

"Yes. See, I'm on a top secret mission to figure this case out. And um..Well, this wolf could possibly go savage soon. But we have to keep this on the low. Don't tell anyone. Trust me, the ZPD has this under control. We're working quick to remove him safely from the hotel." she lied.

The horse stammered. "Well uh, there is a wolf living in the penthouse that has been rented out by Mayor Swinton herself. I've no idea why, but who am I to question her ideas? But seriously, will he go savage?"

Judy smiled. "That's what I and the rest of the police officers in hiding are here to do. Just keep this on the low. We wouldn't want the entire hotel to close down because of panicking prey."

The horse quickly nodded, then turned away, walking quickly down the corridor. Nick dove out of the suitcase and scampered to hide behind a potted plant before the horse dropped the suitcase off at a door, then ran to another elevator at the end of the hallway.

Judy walked over to meet Nick, who was slowly coming out of his hiding place.

"So the wolf lives in the penthouse? Lucky guy." said Nick.

"Yes. Which is just above us. So we need to find a way up into the top floor."

"Have any ideas?" asked Nick.

"Hm...I have one."

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