Chapter 2

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Today we were able to try out our Avatars then Grace, Jake, Norm, and I went out to collect some Bio samples. We were flying around Pandora with a pilot called Trudy Chacon who I thought was pretty cool. I took in all the sites of Pandora and it was amazing. It was nothing like anything I've ever seen before. The scenery was beautiful and still untouched. Everything was still green and the water was still clear unlike back home.

When we landed Jake and I were just there to protect and watch out for Grace and Norm while they collected their samples. I heard a noise and looked up in the trees. There were these creatures that reminded me of monkeys but they were green and blue. Grace told me they are called Prolemuris. I turned to Jake to show him but he was gone. I started walking through the forest looking for him. I found him in a field of weird looking plants. I yelled out his name and he turned to me with a big smile on his face.

"(Y/n) come here and check this out."

I walked towards him and every plant I touched retracted into the ground. I looked at Jake and somehow he knew what I was thinking because he ran through the plants touching every plant till they were all gone. We stopped next to each other breathless.

"This planet is amazing. I've never seen anything this beautiful."

Jake nodded in agreement. He was staring at me smiling making me giggle something no one can ever do.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just that I didn't figure I'd make a friend like you here. It's nice to have someone in my corner."

I smiled about to say something back when my head suddenly snapped in the direction we heard a big crash come from. There was a herd of big animals that reminded me of rhinos but had heads like hammerhead sharks. Grace and Norm came running up from the side but stayed in the tree line.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot! You'll piss him off! It's a territorial threat display. Stand your ground."

Jake was yelling at the animal when another creature landed in front of us. It had long claws and long sharp teeth.

"So what do we do with this one? Run don't run?"

"Run definitely run!"

We took off into forest with the Thanator right on our heels. We hid in a hollow in a tree. Jake shot at it but it did nothing to deter the animal.

"(Y/n) run! I'll hold him off! Go!"

"I'm not leaving you Jake!"

"Just go! I got this!"

I reluctantly slid through an opening in the back of the tree and darted off. While running I decided I couldn't leave Jake to fend for himself. I circled back around, past the tree, and ran in the direction I heard roaring. I came to a cliff with a river rushing below. I heard yelling then Jake burst out of the forest, the Thanator mere feet away.

"Jump (Y/n) jump!"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me over the cliff with him. The water felt like stone when we hit it. I was being flipped around in the water but Jake never let go of my hand. We resurfaced and laid on the river bank.

"You OK (Y/n?"

"Yea. You?"

"Never better."

I looked at him and we burst out lauging.

"We've only been here 2 days and we've already been chased by an angry Thanator and are lost in the jungle."

"Well at least you're here. There's no one I'd rather be lost with."

You smiled at him then got up and offered Jake your hand. He took it and stood up.

"Come on Jake. It'll be dark soon. We should get moving."

Jake made us both torches using sticks, our vests, and some goo like substance he found in a tree then lit them with some matches he had in his pocket. We walked through the forest a while when we heard hisses and growls. These dog like creatures emerged and they looked like mini versions of the Thanator. One lunged for Jake and while being distracted another jumped on me and had me pinned to the ground. I was using both hands to keep it's mouth away from my face. It was growling and getting closer and closer to my face when it suddenly went silent and it's body went limp. I pushed it off me and saw an arrow sticking out of it's back. It was dead. I was getting ready to take on the next one when someone charged out of the foilage and killed another creature, driving the rest off. Looking closer I realized the one that saved us was Na'vi and a female. She picked up our torches and threw them in a pond of water. Jake was trying to talk to her but she didn't seem to be paying attention. She was too busy doing something with one of the dead creatures until she got up and walked off. Jake eagerly followed and I trailed behind. He kept trying to talk to her while I looked around suddenly realizing the forest lit up. The plants glowed beautiful colors and with every step I took the ground glowed green. I thought Pandora was beautiful during the day but at night it was like a whole different world. I was entranced with all the colors when I felt something wrap around my legs then I was falling. I hit the ground hard and felt a blinding pain in my abdomen. I tried lifting myself up but failed. I put my hand on my stomach then moved it away and saw my hand was covered in blood. I looked around for Jake and saw him on the ground as well with multiple Na'vi on horseback.

"Jake!" I yelled.

He came over followed by more Na'vi with bows aimed at us and the female Na'vi.

"(Y/n)! Oh my God. What happened?"

"I think I was stabbed by a branch on the way down."

He put pressure on the wound causing me to wince.

"It's OK. You're going to be OK (Y/n)."

He turned to the female Na'vi I realized he was calling Neytiri.

"We need to get her help or she's gonna bleed out."

Neytiri turned to one Na'vi on horseback and was arguing with him. Giving into the pain my eyes felt heavy and I could feel my consciousness fade.

"No (Y/n) stay with me. Stay awake. We need to get her help now!"

The last thing I saw was Jakes worried eyes staring into mine then my vision blurred and I faded into black.

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