Epilogue - Our Happy Ending

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"I fucking hate you, this is all your fault!" Regina yelled before another contraction hit her like a truck. She squeezed Emma's hand tightly and cried out.
"I know baby, it's okay... Everything will be fine soon." Emma smiled and kissed her wife's forehead before dabbing a cold towel on it. More profanities came from Regina's mouth followed by sobs and cries of pain before the only sound that filled the room were the cries of their baby.

"Congratulations; your Majesty. It's a boy." The servant smiled and wrapped a blanket around the baby before putting him in the mother's arms. Regina burst out with a whole new set of tears and looked up at Emma.
"Look Emma..." She sobbed happily. Emma kissed Regina's temple and held her close as she looked at her son.
"He's beautiful." She said and gently played with his hand, watching it curl around her finger.

"Hello Henry, we're your mothers." Regina said softly and gently rocked her baby.
"Henry." Emma smiled. "I like it." The woman said softly and gently slid her hand through the brunette's hair. She could tell the woman was beyond exhausted and rightfully so. Not only did she create new life and carried it for 9 months, she also gave birth to the most beautiful boy she had ever seen.

Regina handed her son over to Emma and cuddled up to her side.
"Isn't he beautiful?" She whispered and rested her head on the woman's shoulder before she nearly instantly dozed off. Emma held the woman close and smiled.
"You both are."

~*~*~*~10 years later~*~*~*~

"Henry! Wait up..." Regina said and sighed as she watched how the boy still kept running off. "HENRY DANIEL MILLS." Her voice boomed through the halls of the castle making the boy turn around, a mischievous smile on his lips.
"Sorry mom." He said and looked up at the brunette before taking her hand, walking along with her. Emma slowly caught up and wrapped her arm around her wife's waist, smiling as they walked out of the castle and towards the carriage. It took them to the winter festival where his grandparents would be at as well.

"Now remember, if you get lost, just go back to the big tree in the middle, we will find you there."

"Or just follow the food." Henry grinned and looked at his blonde mother. "Chances are ma will be there anyway." He smirked.
"Sure, make fun of the one who's giving you a brother or sister." Emma groaned and leaned against Regina who kissed her forehead softly.
"Well, you said you wanted to have a child." The brunette smirked and ruffled her hair that she had cut short.
"I know." Emma kissed Regina softly. "I don't regret it one bit... Besides, now you will be the one who gets to suffer through my labor pains." She smirked and Regina blushed.
"I wasn't that bad..."
"I wouldn't repeat what you said in front of him..." Emma chuckled and leaned back, rubbing over her bump.


"Hello lovebirds~" Snow smiled and looked at the couple walking with Henry between them.
"Grandma!" Henry raced over to the woman and hugged her tightly. "Where is grandpa?" He asked and the woman smiled.
"He's at the bonfire, helping to light it."
"He should know fire is my specialty." Regina smirked and Snow chuckled.
"I don't think we could ever forget Regina, we spent years dodging fireballs and curses." At that Regina rolled her eyes and took Henry's hand.
"Come on, we're going to find your grandpa."

Emma smiled and moved to hug her mother.
"I'll be glad when this bundle of joy decides to play outside of my womb..." Emma groaned and rubbed over her stomach as she felt the baby kick.
"The joys of pregnancy~" Snow teased and held her daughter around her waist. "You must be so happy..." She mused and the blonde nodded.
"I am... I mean, look at all this. I have a beautiful wife, a great kid with attitude... I swear he got that from Regina." She groaned and chuckled. "And then there is this little one." She said and smiled. "I can't wait till she joins us."
"She?" Snow asked and Emma giggled.
"Regina's convinced it's a boy, but I disagree."
"Time will tell." Her mother said and watched as Regina conjured a fireball and set the bonfire ablaze, making people cheer and dance around it.

Charming linked his arm with the Queen and guided her back to the two women waiting for them.
"I'll go get some drinks." Charming said and smiled brightly, kissing his daughter before going off to get hot chocolate for everyone.
"So, what do you think Henry? Do you like the festival so far?" Snow asked and the boy nodded.
"It's cool!" He was clearly excited about it.

Regina returned to her wife's side and kissed her softly.
"I love you." She said softly and hugged her carefully. Emma smiled brightly and kissed her wife back softly.
"I love you too."

They didn't say it often, but when they do, they really mean it.

Charming came back with five hot chocolates and handed everyone a mug before raising his to make a toast.
"To happy endings!" He cheered.

"To happy endings!" Regina looked at Emma meaningfully and kissed her again before sipping the hot chocolate.

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