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okay so I wrote this because of a song by pink called "f*****g perfect" I'd listen to it before reading to understand the reason behind it .

btw this was originally going to be written for  germany  so may need editing afterwards .


Pure white snowflakes flutter down from the sky as ____ watched from her hospital window after the accident she was unable to speak much  or even breath for herself as the oxygen masked strapped around her mouth showed .

It didn't help that for endless weeks her boyfriend Ivan hadn't left her bedside he was just as pale as the snow falling outside, his violet eyes dull from lack of sleep  and the  guilt  that was eating him alive .

He knew too well that ____ condition was worsening with every passing day, hour even minut.

but to him her smile never seemed to go away no matter what horrible news she was given or painful treatment she had to endure .

She gripped his cold hands weakly ,pointing to the field of sunflowers only just visible on the tall hill across from her window , the sunflowersame stood out like a sore from in the full white back ground .

He smiled nodding "we'll will go see them when you're better ,Da " tears pricked his eyes as ____ weakly rested her head down, the plethora of machines beeping and buzzing as her breathing  slowly dropped until there was nothing .

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