She looks Happier

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Alden, no, Richard walks down the park after his late night run. As he wanders around, he observes the few people who lingers in benches. Some where a bunch of teenagers talking about everything but mostly lovers whose spending their time being lovey dovey. He took a deep breath and rubbed his hands to get some warmth from it. Winter is almost there, he should've worn something thicker. He's currently in a small town in Japan where his taping for his latest movie is currently taking place. After their shooting he was asked to take a rest or roam around the city. Realizing that it's getting late and that he still has to shoot tomorrow morning he decided to go back to his hotel room. As he reaches the exit of the park, he heard a beautiful laugh. He froze from his spot. He knows that laugh. How many nights had he dreamed that laugh, how many times had he wished to hear that sweet laugh, countless of times. He turned to the source of the sound and saw that his guess is right. There sitting in one of the benches is Maine, still beautiful as ever. She looks lovely even with the small light that the street post gives. It's been a year since he last saw her.


"What about us Richard?" Maine asked. "Don't you think it's time for us to think for ourselves? For our future?"

Richard shooks his head and answered "I can't Maine. I can't leave this industry. This is my life."

"How about us?" She questioned. Maine's eyes were tearing. Her lips quivering. Voice wavering. "Don't you think our relationship is being risked with what we're doing? We barely have time for each other. I haven't seen you in almost a month. Can't you see it Richard? That we're slowly being torn apart?" Maine sobbed.

"Maine, you know that I CAN'T do what you want me to do." Richard tore his eyes from Maine because seeing her cry hurts him more. "It's just that--"

"What? That your career is more important than me. I know that Richard. I know that I'll never be your priority." She knows she's letting out all her insecurities but no one can blame her. She's been bearing this for quite a while.

"NO! Don't say that. You'll always be my--"
"Then choose. Me or Showbiz?"
Richard closed his mouth with an audible click.

"You can't answer neh Richard? Guess I was right all along." Maine's tear streaked face became blank, void of any emotion. It hurts so much that she feels numb. She turned her back to Richard and started walking awat from him.

Richard wanted to ran after her. He wants to hug her and whisper to her that everything will be okay. He wants to say sorry and to admit that she is his priority but he can't. He can't move from his place.

In the end, not following Maine was his biggest mistake in life.


Richard doesn't know how to feel. There, sitting was the lady he loved so much - and if Richard is honest with himself - the lady he STILL loves so much. But sadly life is no fairy tale where he can go back running into her and wrap his arms around her like nothing happened. Because the love of his life was currently in the arms of another. Richard wanted to go there and remove Maine from the man's arms but he can't because Maine's face was absolutely happy. Her face smile says that what she has right now is what she wants. There's no ounce of stress or hurt or pain just like the last time he saw her. Just pure happiness. With that Richard turned his back from the couple to leave but not without tears streaming down his face.


Author's Note:
I'm back from the dead!!!
I hope you liked my short story. And sorry for my mistake, this one is unedited. :)
I'm just gonna go to the corner and cry.
Bye Bye
Comments and favorites are much appreciated.

Ps: If you have time, please listen to the song :)))

Aldub you all!!!!!

Happier (Aldub|Maiden Song Fic)Where stories live. Discover now