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Anakin Walker paced his room. He walked back. He walked forth. And he walked back again.

It was 10:49 pm on August 30th. He was going to leave at midnight - he still had to wait an hour.

Sitting down on his creaky, moldy bed with a loud kerplunk, he ran over the plan one final time. Two weeks ago, he had made a copy of his bedroom door key so that he could leave whenever he wanted and subtly destroyed the lock on his window.

Tonight, he would lock his bedroom door and stick the wax model of the key into the lock, melting it with his candle so that it stuck in the lock and prevented easy entry. Then, he would - as quietly as possible - drag his bed to the door and set it across the door to stop people bashing the door in. 

When he was done with that, he would gently open the window and climb up onto the roof, traversing across the rows of houses on Privet Drive until he got to the end of the street, where he would climb down and trot to King's Cross (in London - heaven knew how he'd get there) and go to Platform 3/4 - wherever that was - and hopefully by then it'd be time to go to this "Hog Wart" school. 

Weird name, he thought. Who would want to go to a school named after a hog's wart?

He checked the time, glancing at his glow-in-the-dark Cars watch - a cast-off from Jez, his step-brother. 

Jumping, he realized that it was time. He watched the clock dart from 11:58 to 11:59, and he prepared to begin his breakout.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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