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Since that letter had been delivered, Anakin had spent most of his time waiting. 

And waiting.

And waiting.

Harry Potter and his family, the Dursleys, had gone on an impromptu vacation to 'somewhere else' as Uncle Dodd had said it. He speculated that Harry had gotten a letter and they had gone on vacation to celebrate. 

This was one of those times Anakin wished he was Harry Potter.

Dodd's reaction had been a bit different than the Dursleys. He had locked Anakin in his room and installed a cat-flap so that they could get him meals twice a day. 

Screaming through the door, he'd shouted: "Under no circumstances are you going to go to that school for witches! You are a normal boy and you are not going there, Mr. Anakin!"

Since he was locked in his room, Anakin had had plenty of time to think. He had made plans for the near-future. He'd run away on August 31st since on September 1st he'd doubtless be under tight security. 

He sat in his room, doing nothing. 

He ate.

He slept.

He planned.

And he waited.

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