A Discovery

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     "Anakin Walker!" The fearsome, deep voice bellowed out across the hall, rattling the stairs up to the attic, where ten-year-old Anakin shivered on his bed.

     "Anakin Walker! Come down here at once!" Anakin got off his bed nervously and tiptoed down the stairs to his uncle.

     "Uncle Dodd, I'm here, sir!" He stood to attention before his uncle, fidgeting.

    "Finally," Dodd Walker said, sneering down at the diminutive ten-year-old, "you have graced us with your presence. Thank you, Anakin. Now, your Auntie Barbara, your cousin Jez and I are going to the zoo with the Dursleys to celebrate Dudley's birthday. You can accompany your friend Potter to old Ms. Figg's down the road. I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

   "But Uncle Dodd, sir, I don't want to go to with Ms. Figg. She's an old slob and is quite boring, I think. Also," began Anakin, "Sir, can't I come with you? I promise I'll be good, sir."

   "YOUNG MASTER WALKER, you have no say in the matter." replied Dodd smugly.

   "Sir! Mr. Dodd, Uncle sir, please! I promise... I promise I'll make dinner for you for the next five days. Please, sir?"

   "NO! YOU, YOUNG MASTER WALKER, LISTEN TO ME! " Dodd Walker bellowed, spittle flying out of his open mouth and strands of saliva dribbling out of the corners of his mouth. He looked like a rabid dog, with his swiftly reddening face and his flabby neck. He jabbed himself in the center of his chest and leaned forward, leering.

   "Sorry, sir, uncle, I mean, um," Anakin backed up against the wall, feeling trapped and hurt, fearful. "I'll .. um... "

   "YOU'LL GO TO YOUR ROOM OR I WILL DISOWN YOU AND GIVE YOUR INHERITANCE TO JEZ!" He screeched, voice rising in passion. He grabbed Anakin and punched him in the eye.

     Anakin felt anger swelling up within him. He took a deep breath, trying to control it. His counselor had told him about this. She had said - what had she said? Something about anger - no, fear - being dangerous. It had sounded silly at the time. Something about "The Dark Side," or whatever she had called it. His counselor, Addo, was ridiculous. Old, and wrinkly, and very - very backward, it seemed.

    "Control your anger," he muttered to himself. "Control it. Control it."

    "You? Control - me? Ha! You will do no such thing. I am your superior, Anakin. TO YOUR ROOM!" yelped Dodd, having misunderstood Anakin.

     Anakin started and scurried up to his room, touching his swollen, tender eye. He heard the front door slam and curled up on his bunk, sadness and hurt coursing through him, so strong that it hurt. He closed his eyes and drifted off, wishing for a day when his luck would change.


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