Chapter Seven.

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If the photo works it's of James Wilmington.

Laurel was sitting behind her large, oak desk piling over the finances for the month when the skinny boy who was her new recruit came into the room.

"There's a man here to see you," He said.

"Did he give a name?" She asked, without looking up.

"Mr. Wilmington."

"Send him in."

She closed the books to give the man her full attention. A few weeks ago James Wilmington had been the parole officer for Ezra Allen, he'd tried everything he could to keep Ezra on the straight and narrow, sadly it ended in disaster when Ezra was killed by a gang while trying to help out a church. Mr. Wilmington was a nice guy as far as Laurel knew.

He walked into the room, wearing a suit just like he had all the other times she'd seen him. He walked quickly to her desk but he seemed troubled.

"Mr. Wilmington, What can I do for you?"

"I'm looking for a girl."

"Oh.....okay, well my girls strip but I'm afraid..."

"No, not like that. A specific girl, I was wondering if she came here looking for a job."

"Okay, can you tell me what she looks like."

"I can do even better," Digging in his pocket he produced a photo and handed it to Laurel.

The picture was a mugshot, the date up top was from a few months ago. She had dark brown wavy hair, large, round brown eyes and pale white skin. Her face was hear shaped and it was obvious even in the picture she didn't feel guilty for whatever she did.

"She was released a few days after Ezra.....well....anyway she's my newest parolee and she took off." James said.

"And you think she might have came here for a job?"

"Yeah, I mean....I don't know what she's thinking but I figured it was worth a shot."

"I'm sorry, I don't think I've ever seen her." Laurel said handing back the photo.

"I was afraid of that," He said, taking it from her and putting it back in his pocket.

"Is this the first place you looked?"

"No, I lost contact with her two days ago I've checked every strip club and bar in town."

"I'll keep an eye out and ask around, if I see her or anyone else does I'll let you know."

"I appreciate it," He said as he stood.

"When was the last time you slept?" She asked.

"I don't know, two days ago...maybe three."

"Mr. Wilmington...." She was preparing to lecture him when he interrupted her.

"I can't lose another one, I just can't."

"You did everything you could, even Ivan knows that." Laurel said softly.

"How is Ivan?"

"I don't know, he won't see me." She admitted.

"Give him time."

Laurel gave him a small smile and a nod.

"Thanks for your time," He said.

"No problem."

She watched him exit the room and had just turned back to her books when her phone rang, lifting it with one hand she pressed it to her ear.

Touching Sky *Animals MC book five.*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora