Lakes and African Forests

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Chapter Twenty Two: Lakes and African Forests

--* I yawned and stretched, expecting to wake on the far shore of the lake; instead I found that I was in Erik's bedroom! And I was laying upon an extremely fluffy mattress that was held in a dark wood frame of the bed; the bed itself had a canopy with a black, see through, fabric draped all around it. I glanced down to find that I was in a completely different dress! It was a pink sleeping gown with long sleeves and poofy, silken cuffs; the neckline was in the shape of a V. I sighed and noticed a hissing, crackling sound emanating a good distance away; next I smelt something delicious.


I threw the sheets off of me and slung my legs over the side of the bed; the homemade split still graced my foot. Though it didn't hurt as bad to walk; it ached and a sharp pang of pain shot through my leg as both of my feet touched the floor, which was, to my surprise, warm. I pushed the fabric over myself and sat on the side of the bed; searching the room with my eyes for my crutches. 

Alas, they weren't in the bedroom; I sighed and thought of calling out to Erik, but, I needed to learn how to walk on my ankle....didn't I?

I sighed and gritted my teeth before placing my weight upon my feet; the pain came again, searingly this time, but, within moments it faded into a dull discomfort. I stepped forwards and very nearly fell to my knees! But, hunching forwards I grasped onto a small inn table which steadied me. I straightened up, gave a sigh, and took another step forwards; I wavered, but, all--in--all, I didn't fall! I smiled and waddled out of Erik's (and now my) bedroom, through the hallway, and into the dining room.

I peeked my head into the threshold of the kitchen to see Erik with his back to me but a pan in his hand. A black oven was working busily beside him to bake several biscuits (not cookies); he was already dressed! He wore his trademark black suit with shiny, black shoes; his black hair was neatly combed back and I saw the candle light shine off of his mask; I smiled but wondered how long he had been up to have readied himself like that. For some reason I didn't walk into the kitchen, I stood at the threshold for a moment and then turned, glancing over to the door that led to the Louis--Philippe room and I got a wonderful, awful idea.

I slowly backed away from the kitchen and gently grasped the golden door knob; turning it slightly and hearing a quiet 'click' before I was allowed entrance into the room. I silently shut the door behind me and turned to find Erik standing before me! I jumped back and almost lost my balance! His eyes were narrowed and his arms were folded upon his chest; his gaze was scrutinizing and a small smile arose upon his pink lips. He raised his eyebrows as I gave an asinine smile.

"You really thought I didn't hear you?" Said he "or didn't have alternative ways into these rooms?" He added, his fingers drumming on his arm.

"I...uh...I....curtain" said I, pointing to the stairs across the room which led to a small curtain; he sighed.

"No, angel, out" he said, reaching behind me and opening the door; all of a sudden there came a pounding and wailing on the wall where the stairs were! I looked up to Erik and my jaw quivered. "Out, now, Persephone! Get out! Go into the kitchen, your breakfast is ready, go, now!"

He ordered, shoving me out of the room and slamming the door quickly; I heard his footsteps hurry away and there was another door slammed. The wailing and pounding were quieted in moments and I began to shake; I backed away from the door and bumped into the dining table. What on earth did Erik have in the room beyond the Louis--Philippe room?

--* The only reason I ate breakfast that morning was because Erik made it and I didn't want to offend him. Not that it wasn't absolutely delicious. But, my mind kept buzzing about that wailing; it wasn't a child's wail, it was the terrified wail of a grown man! A man in need of help. Perhaps the man was just clinging to life by a hair and that was his last ditch effort?

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