Attachment Issues

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Winter awoke the following morning and instantly knew something was wrong. It was much too quiet and the sun was streaming in the windows. She flew out of bed with a gasp and cursed her habit of oversleeping as she got ready as quickly as magically possible. She tumbled down the stairs to the common room and saw it was empty, a glance at the clock told her that breakfast was halfway over already and she groaned as she almost sprinted down to the Great Hall. With a start she remembered that she was supposed to go to the Hospital Wing this morning to help Madam Pomfrey, cutting breakfast even shorter for her. 

She arrived at the Great Hall panting heavily and quickly spotted Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Fred and George and their little sister Ginny eating together and made a beeline for them. She looked enviously at Ron's plate that was piled deliciously high with bacon, sausages, egg and toast and sighed. There was no way she had time for more than toast because she was so late. Just as she was reaching for the toast morosely, Ron pushed a plate very similar to his towards her.

"I made you a plate, I didn't want you to be hungry all morning." Ron grunted, not looking up. Winter could see that his ears had turned pink, a sure sign that he was blushing. Winter was touched by the kind-hearted gesture.

"Thank you Ron. That was so sweet of you." She thanked him, his ears turned redder and he grunted again. Winter dug into her food, suddenly realising that she was starving and thanking Merlin that she had such wonderful friends around her.

Winter managed to get through a quarter of the massive plate of food before it was time for the others to leave for class. This morning she, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville had Herbology in GreenHouse 3, so they had to walk out through the ground. 

"You guys go, I have to do something for Madam Pomfrey so can you tell Professor Sprout I'm going to be late?" She asked her friends. They all nodded, too busy gathering up their things and stealing last mouthfuls of breakfast to think much into what they were saying. Only Neville looked up at her curiously before his face turned troubled and he abruptly strode away. Winter was confused by his behaviour, as were the others judging by the look on their faces, but they all shrugged it off and followed him out. Winter quickly said goodbye to Fred, George and Ginny and headed up to the hospital wing.

Winter groaned internally as she saw Pansy Parkinson waiting at the closed doors of the hospital wing. She cursed her echoing footsteps in the quiet hall as they made Pansy look up, a sneer already formed on her face.

"Ugh! You hang around here like a bad smell. Can't you see you're wasting your time. There is no way Draco will ever be with someone with blood as tainted as yours! Stop bothering your superiors!" Pansy hissed at her viciously. Winter sighed and chose to ignore her offensive comments.

"Don't you have class to go to?" Winter asked indifferently, trying to step around her. Pansy replied primly that Draco was more important. Winter laughed. "Parkinson, if I were you, wouldn't be wasting any opportunity to further my intelligence." She said nastily as she finally got past her and knocked on the door. Pansy gasped loudly, clearly shocked that someone dared to insult her and her pure blood.

"How dare you speak to me like that! You filthy little - " Whatever horrible thing Pansy was about to say was cut off as the door to the hospital wing opened a little. Madam Pomfrey stuck her head out and smiled when she saw Winter standing there. She opened the door wider for Winter to slip through. Pansy began to follow, but Madam Pomfrey blocked her way, giving her a stern look.

"It is not visiting hours Parkinson. Go to class." She said firmly and shut the door in Pansy's very shocked face. Winter giggled and looked over to Draco who was sitting up, his face brightened considerably when he saw Winter smiling. She walked over to him.

Hogwarts, A Love Story (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ