Use your Inner Eye!

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Winter woke up to sun streaming in her windows. She groaned as she realised that she had classes today. Hermione looked over at her from the window and told her to hurry up or she would miss breakfast. Checking the time Winter realised with a start that she was right and almost jumped out of bed, leaving Hermione to smile indulgently at her before gracefully sweeping out of the room.

Winter rushed down to the Great Hall and was relieved to see her friends still in the midst of breakfast and not finishing up to go to class just yet. She sat down with Harry, Ron and Hermione and they were soon joined by Neville, Fred and George. Winter smiled at the three of them, carefully ducking as one of the Twins reach out to pull her hair. They were laughing and chatting happily when suddenly the entire group fell silent, causing Winter to look up from her toast in surprise. She noticed the sudden animosity and hostility in the air and felt her breathing pick up as anxiety kicked in.

"Morning Winter." A voice said from behind her. She suddenly understood why everyone was acting so strangely as she turned around and saw Draco Malfoy standing there. He was alone for once which was surprising, he also looked at her and actually smiled, but his eyes were twinkling mischievously and she knew that he was trying to stir up trouble. Again. She swallowed, forcing the anxiety back down her throat where it had been threatening to suffocate her. 

"Hi Draco." She said nervously, not going to be outwardly rude to someone without provocation. Besides, excluding some teasing Winter hadn't seen any evidence that Draco was the same person as last year. He seemed to have changed a little and Winter wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Everyone deserved a second chance. She knew however, that her behaviour towards Draco was going to cause trouble for her in her friendship groups and if Draco's attentions towards her continued she wasn't going to need Divination to predict some pretty ugly fights coming her way very soon. The tension and the awkward silence stretches and the glares from the other Gryffindors cause Draco to back down.

"Well have a good day then." He said, sounding miserable. Winter smiled weakly and told him the same. As he walked away she noticed a definite slump to his shoulders. She tore her eyes away from him and turned back around to face the table.

"Since when do we call Slytherin's by their first name?" Harry asked. Winter went to answer but was interrupted.

"Since when do we even talk to Slytherin's?" Ron corrected Harry, shooting a dark look towards their house table. Winter again went to answer but was interrupted a second time.

"Since when do we even acknowledge Slytherin's?" Fred and George asked simultaneously. Winter could tell that they were more playful than the other two who were a little angry and confused.

"Since when do we use since when so much?" Winter asked, fighting back a cheeky smile. The boys all sat there stumped for a second before Winter and Hermione both lost it and burst into a fit of giggles. The boys all laughed along good-naturedly and gave up on giving her the third degree.

Towards the end of breakfast McGonagall came down the length of the table handing out timetables. She let them have a brief look before sending them off to class with a stern 'chop chop'. Winter, Harry, Ron and Hermione all headed off to Divination saying goodbye to Fred and George and waving to Neville who was still talking to McGonagall about some lost items. They traipse up what felt like endless amounts of stairs before realising that they were well and truly lost. They circled around hopelessly until Harry stumbled upon the portrait of a rather excitable knight. After throwing some rather pointless insults and displaying his complete incompetency as a knight, he agreed to lead them to the Divination room. The four of them arrive at the room completely out of breath as the ridiculous knight had run the entire way.

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