6. Moving Day😩

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Ari POV: My mother had disagreed about me staying in Atlanta with my father , so today is moving day. We load the car up full of our items and get in the car for this 10 hour drive. My sister cried about leaving my father , tears were running down my face. My mother told me to suck it up. I didn't speak to her the whole drive , she finally snapped " Ariana I don't know what your problem is but you better get it together , do you understand!" She yelled , yes ma'am I replied in a low voice. I sent Chris a message " Baby I'm gone💔 💔💔I love you Chris" then I turned my phone off and went to sleep the rest of the way.
A couple hours later we stopped to get food , my mom was tired so she asked me to drive using the GPS we only had two hours left. We ate first , I turned my phone back on and I had 123 unread messages from Chris and 38 missed calls from Chris. I replied late and he asked me why didn't I see him before I left. It would have hurt me even more to see the look on his face before I left. I made up a lie and told him that's why I couldn't see him. I could tell by the way he was typing he was hurt. I told him I was driving and that I'd call him when I get there.
2 hours later - We get to this house it looks kinda nice on the outside. My mom got out and told us to stay in the car until she got back. It was this tall lightskin man he had to be at least 6'4 he was muscular then I see another boy walk out behind him. He looked my age. My mother told us to get out the car and come introduce ourself. I'm not very friendly so I said hello and pretended like I was typing on my phone. My mom snatched my phone and told me to not be rude and to introduce myself the proper way. " Hello I'm Ariana , nice to meet you! " I pretended to be excited .. my mom gave me a dirty look , we went inside the house & I sat down on the couch. This house was big and the furniture was nice. The boy that I saw when I was in the car introduce himself, " wassup I'm Quez" he spoke. Quez was tall and lightskin.. I guess this is gonna be my "stepbrother".  My mothers new boyfriend told me I could have this upstairs room it had boxes in it like they moved there and didn't get anything out of there . I took my bags up to my room and called Chris. He didn't answer , I called again .. he declined the call 😐 I texted him "uhh hello" and he didn't reply. My room had its own personal bathroom I went to shower straighten up this bed and placed my things on the floor along with all those boxes , I listened to music until I fell asleep

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