Chapter 6: Dear Diary

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I had a feeling I could trust Anna, I know she’s a maid but she looks like she’s been through the lot with this family.

“Naomi, I know that it is probably hard to accept everything all at once, but it will get better I promise.” She said gently and added; “In the meantime what do you think about some brownies and tea?"

My smile widen as I heard the word brownies. I haven’t eaten them in at least few years.

I ate my food slowly, taking my time with each bite and enjoying the sweet taste of the food in my mouth.

By the end of it, I was so full.

I decided to sleep it off.

After what seems like hours of sleeping peacefully than I have in months, I figured it would be useful to see the books that Anna had decided to bring for me.

‘The history of the King’s Castle”

Well…. That sounds super boring.
The second book was smaller and it looked a lot older with a title “The list of Vindicta Pack’s alphas”.

I rolled eyes remembering learning about this in my pack.

According to our pack, they were all crazy as fuck. 

Nonetheless, one book caught my eye. The book was a purple hardback and had golden embroidery surrounding the cover of the book.

  ‘Diary’ was written on the front cover. The book had doodles and small drawings of stickmen and small flowers that was likely drawn from a child.

I turned the page and saw a name scribbled in a child’s handwriting that read ‘Katrina Ryder’.

The sister of the King.

My eyes widen as I realised that this must be her diary.

Anna must have taken this by mistake.

Imagine the trouble she would get in if he found out about this.

Then again, it’s already done. A little peak can’t hurt anyone, right?

I scanned the diary already noticing spelling mistakes a child could make.

Carefully, I opened the diary to a random page and began reading.

January 09th 2001

Dear diary, today I heard mama screaming again, and papa was yelling at her. Kase told me that they are just fighting and I hope everything will be alright.

February, 2nd 2001

‘Dear diary, dad hurt Kase today. He was trying to defend mum from dad. I am so scared and I saw blood on Kase’s face! I don’t want him to die!

April  19th 2001

Dear diary, Anna has good fashion sense and dressed me in a pretty blue dress.
She is nice and not mean like the dance instructor. Anna is the best person in the whole wide world. I played hide and seek with Kase.
“I don’t wanna play hide and seek.”
“Well I’ll tell Mama and Papa if you don’t.”  I said. Kase got scared and played with me.
I began counting and I looked everywhere for him.  I heard mama and papa shouting again.
Me being the bad girl, saw what was happening
“I didn’t do anything,” My mama said. She was crying.
Papa’s voice boomed through the room suddenly.
He shouted the same stuff as he always did but this time it was different, he said 
“I love you. And yet I cannot stand you no further. You need to go. It would be the best for both of us. I need to do what everyone expects me to do as King and I can’t with you being around.”
Papa saw me.  Papa looked at me, his eyes flashed with rage.
He walked towards me and he----

My eyes flooded with tears. I could no longer see. I sobbed harder and covered my mouth to hide the cries.
Who in the right audacity would even consider touching their mate or children like that?

I could think one bastard right now.
I cried harder.

The tears kept coming. I guess it was the right time to just let it all out. The feeling of isolation, betrayal from my pack, sadness all was becoming overwhelming. 

Just before I let out another sob, Kase trespasses through the room, his authority booming through the entrance.

“Mutt, it is time for you spend your first night in the cell. I suggest you…. ” He finished and glanced at me.

His eyes stared deeply at the book that I gripped tightly.

“What are you doing with that book?” His nose was now flaring uncontrollably.

I didn’t answer.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT BOOK?” His hands began clenching into fists.

His irises grew pitch black as he began walking closer towards me.

I closed my eyes, expecting impact from him in seconds but only heard the crash of the walls being smashed. Huge pieces that belonged to the walls were scattered everywhere around the room, i could smell blood and opened my eyes almost immediately.

He stood there, back faced towards me. His shoulders hunched and breathing heavily.

His hand dripped with blood and soon the blood was covering a small patch of the floor.

That was it, he walked out of the bedroom.

I heard him speak to someone, probably a guard.

“Take her to the cell. Now.”


How are y'all? I hope you're having a good summer, cuz i most definitely do not

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

How are y'all? I hope you're having a good summer, cuz i most definitely do not. All i do is sleep, eat, nap, and watch Prison Break. Michael is so hawt btw 😭😍
Another chapter coming soon, hope y'all liked this one?
Stas sassy bichachos

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