I step through the front door, which was knocked out years ago. Nobody has bothered to get a new one yet. Damon and everyone else are sitting around, drinks scattered all on the floor.

“Look what the cat dragged in.” Damon drawls once he sees me.

I sit down on his right, stuffing my hands into my pockets.

“I came. What do you want?” I huff.

“Just to catch up with everybody. There are some new faces you should meet. Here’s Alex and-”

“Why do you want me here?” I interrupt, already ready to leave. 

“We’re all very concerned for you. See, I don’t know if you remember, but years ago we all made an oath. It seems as if one of us- you- have broken that oath. Do you remember the consequences for that?”

“You’re not going to touch her. I won’t allow it.” I say forcefully. 

“Bro, you made the oath.”

“If I break up with her then will you all just back off?”

“We would consider it.” Damon says, running his hands through his hair. 

“As if none of you have ever broken the oath.” I say. My eyes pick out Alex - a new kid.

“You. You can’t tell me that you don’t miss what life was like before the oath. How now, you can’t even look at a girl. I know some of you assholes never thought about marriage, but the oath puts things into perspective. You all here, are going to be alone. For the rest of your lives.” I look around at everyone while saying this. “Alex, do you really expect me to believe that you didn’t have a girlfriend or crush or whatever before all of this?” Alex is looking at his shoes, very interested in some non - existent dirt on them. 

“That’s enough.” Damon says. 

“I”m just trying to make a point.”

“No you’re just trying to get you and your hoe out of trouble.”

I stand up, kicking the chair behind me. 

“Never call Brinley names. Or I will personally slit your throat in your sleep.” I say, poking his chest. I storm across the broken glass, too furious and scared to think about anything but Brinley. How could I drag her into all of this?

“Before you leave,” Damon starts “I noticed you didn’t bring the girl. If you’re so intent on keeping her from us, you should keep an extra eye on her.” He smirks. 

I bite my lip to keep me from saying anything that would provoke him. I hop in the car and drive back to the house, well over the speed limit every mile. Once I park in the driveway, I jump out of the car, storming inside. I find Brinley on the couch, something in her hands. 

“Did it go alright?” She asks. I plop myself down next to her, and wrap her in my arms, kissing her forcefully.

 “You know I would never let anything bad happen to you right?” I ask when I pull away. She runs her tongue over her lips, “Yeah.” Brinley smiles and pecks my lips once more.

“What have you got there?” I ask, looking at the photo album in her hands. 

“Some pictures. Your friends' family and yours must’ve been really close.” She thumbs through the pictures, they’re all baby pictures of me with my parents. 

“Yeah. We were inseparable since the womb. They practically raised me, even.” I answer. 


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