Chapter 33: Who Am I

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'What.....' Hydra said.

'Why yo-' Hydra shouted as  the white demon wrapped the handle of his sword in the metallic strap with him grabbing the other end and swinging it like a pendulum to cut the jaw, making the dragon's jaw fall off to the ground.

Mask raider dodged the lightning beam from one of the dragon heads, and cut off the dragon head. Now there was only two heads remaining.

'Why is this happening?! I am King, the future ruler of this world!' King shouted as the remaining heads thrashed randomly around the place. Mask raider moved away, but the white demon jumped in, got hit by the thrashing, and cut away the head just as he got hit by the dragon's head. King was now almost defeated, as the previous four heads already died from the excessive loss of blood. The last one was still conscious.

'This wasn't supposed to happen! I am King, the future ruler of this world! Curse you proxy of light! Curse you proxy of darkness! You lied to me! I will not di-' King's remaining head shouted as it got stabbed by mask raider. Mask raider then hurriedly ran to wolder's side to try to stop him from going out of control again, but he did not see wolder going out of control. The white demon was standing there with his head held high, while the metal straps wrapping all over his body started falling out on their own.

' I....' Wolder said in a sorrowful tone as he regained his consciousness again while looking up into the sky.

'You are you yourself, Wolder, and no one else.' Mask raider said as he approached Wolder.

The two then stood there, with Wolder pondering about his very existence.

Eventually, the creatures from Norwich who had witnessed King's end escaped the town, and  the news that King was now dead slowly spread. Norwich was now free of monsters, as with other towns too previously under the rule of King after the news of King's death spread to other town. The people previously living in oppression of the monsters in the towns were now free, and did not have to live under their rule anymore. Many towns over the region were now free, as the months of oppression had finally ended.

'Thank you so much to the hero who liberated us.' An young man said after coming out of hiding.

King's era had finally ended, and peace had slowly returned back. Wolder and mask raider recuperated together for a week, however it was time for them to say their farewells.

'I guess this is it. Thank you so much for your help. I wouldn't have been able to done it without you. Hope that you find your answer eventually.' Mask raider said to wolder.

'You are welcome, besides I gained a lot from this journey with you, so thank you too. I hope that you will be able to find your master too. Goodbye.' Wolder said to mask raider as they both parted ways, away from the town of Norwich.

What awaits wolder in his journey next?


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