"Idol Suga found on a run-away date with actress Park So Yeon"

ran the stupid headline.

Though Yoongi did find some people but he never took them any further, unsure of their future and let things drop.

Unlike all of them is Taehyung whose image has changed severely over the past two years. He has long shed the 'V, Alien, 4D' image. He has now the 'sexy, party animal' concept for him. BigHit PRs try to show it is as an image, as a concept. In reality, Taehyung is just that and worse. He is far, far worse. Before, Taehyung always exchanged his liquor glasses for strawberry juice or, anything not-alcohol. Now, he drinks them like he is drinking sherbet. He smokes, he parties putting party lovers Hoseok and Jimin to shame. And, he has sex. Lots and lots of sex. He doesn't hide the fact. He shamelessly displays the marks on his neck or, the nail scratches on his back when he takes his shirt off during practice. Yoongi always averts his eyes, finding the walls to be a preferable sight than Taehyung. The tall singer is warned on repeated occasions. The stylist noonas look scandalized at times and chide him other times for making their work harder. Seokjin informs Yoongi that starting from Bang PD to their managers to Namjoon, everyone has reprimanded the boy. Taehyung, Seokjin says, is guilty and apologises to them but, that guilt is only momentary and then goes back to doing exactly what he was doing before. Taehyung sleeps with both men and women and in his own words "idols only because can't let them go talking about our escapades, right?" Taehyung always makes sure to tell them about his.. activities in details and they all listen to him with rapt attention in equal parts of horror and awe. He usually takes off with some idol at the end of a music show stage, or some parties his costars or, his idol friends throw. He barely stays in the dorm only coming back to change and refresh. On the free days, he goes back home or, sleeps in. Taehyung has been involved in many scandals for a twenty-five year old male idol but, the singer is barely apologetic. He is able to manoeuvre himself out of the sticky situations every time and they have to grudgingly let it go. Yoongi doesn't know if he should shout at him or, laugh at his bravado. Instead, he chooses to keep his mouth shut.

They worry about him but, Taehyung is past listening.


Yoongi spent the first half of the year worrying, panicking that he likes their golden maknae. Likes.

He has passed majority of the time watching the younger one. His eyes trailing after him, noting his every movement like a hawk. That time when they were on MBC Music Core and Jungkook fell asleep in the green room or, that time when they had joined the Running Man cast for a special episode and Jungkook fell and was rolling on the ground. Or, that time, they were at a fansign meet in Mokdong Music Art-Jayla Art Hall when Jungkook was laughing and making a heart with one hand. Or, the fansign right after that at Bundang when he smiled while accepting the rose being given to him. Then, in Osaka, when a fan asks which member he is closest to and Jungkook is grinning. Or, that time in their dorm when Jungkook was roaming around in the dorm just in a towel. Or, when he sees the released footage of their Behind the Scenes of their Bon Voyage2 (they finally have been on that Europe Tour they were supposed to go on three years back) and fell a bout of jealousy rising in him.

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