"Daehyun," Himchan called from the closed door, "is everything alright? Are you sick?" He questioned in concern.

Panicking, the main vocalist threw the covers off himself and sprinted for a rubbish bin. "V-violently ill, hyung!" He responded, quickly brushing the petals into the bin before placing it next to his bedside, crawling in and pulling the covers up to his nose.

Himchan walked in a moment later and an expression of heartfelt pity came over his features. Walking over to him, Daehyun shrunk lower in the bed, whining a bit in discomfort. He felt a hand over his forehead, then slid over to his cheek. "You don't feel warm," the visual said, his expression of pity turning one into confusion. "Did you eat something that didn't agree with you?"

In panic, Daehyun blurted out, "yes."

Nodding his head, the visual said, "get some rest. I'll come by later to give you some medicine for your stomach." And with that, Daehyun closed his eyes and nestled comfortably in the bed.

Something caught Himchan's eye and turned his attention to it. Furrowing his brows, he inspected closer. Even more confused than before, the older male picked it up.

A yellow tulip petal... how strange... There weren't any flowers in Daehyun's bedroom - not that he knew of, at least - so where did this come from?


It wasn't getting better. Far from it.

Hell, it was getting a lot worse with each passing day. Since their main vocalist was unable to sing without breaking into a coughing fit every so often, they decided to take a rest until Daehyun was feeling better. The main vocalist began avoiding Youngjae and the younger vocalist seemed to pick up on Daehyun's new peculiar attitude. Daehyun, by no means, avoided his members. Especially when he loves them all so much. So, why the sudden behavior?

Daehyun, once again, was hiding out in the bedroom, scrolling through Instagram, when he heard the door open. Directing his eyes towards the door, he-


This was the last person he wanted to talk to.

"Daehyun," Youngjae spoke, voice laced with firmness and confusion, "we need to talk."

Heart pounding painfully in his chest, Daehyun tried to back away frantically, but was met with the headboard. Youngjae looked at him with surprise, confusion and disbelief as he walked over to him. "Daehyun, I don't know what's going on, but we need to talk."

"T-talk?" Daehyun stuttered, hugging himself, "wh-what's there to t-talk about? Nothing!" A nervous laugh. "D-don't come any closer, Youngjae! I'm violently ill, still!" The elder warned, the feeling of nausea and lovesick crashing over him like tidal waves. "I don't care, Daehyun," Youngjae said, "I want to know what's wr-"

"NOTHING!" Daehyun hollered, making the younger jump, "there's nothing wrong, okay?! Go away! Go-" The elder was cut off by another painful coughing fit muffled by his hands, his lungs and chest hurting as Daehyun tried to not let the tulip petals seep out. "Just... just go..." Daehyun muttered hoarsely, eyes stinging from forming tears. Glancing up, Youngjae looked pained and that made his throat constrict.

"Fine. Don't tell me," was all the younger vocalist said before taking his leave.

Daehyun curled into a ball and sobbed. This was hurting him so much, but he knew for a fact that Youngjae was the cause. But, it wasn't his fault. Not in the slightest.

...Why is it getting so hard to breathe?


Youngjae and Daehyun's relationship is visibly strained and the tension is so thick, it could be cut with a butter knife.

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