Lucas: No you don't

Maya: Why not huckleberry

Lucas: Because she is right there with your mom behind the cash register

Maya: *turns around and sees Lilia* Lilia!!!

Lilia: *eyes widen* Maya!

They run up to each other and hug one another

Maya: Are you OK?

Lilia: Yes. Thank You for taking me to Topanga when you did

Maya: No problem. I didn't want you in an unsafe environment

Katy: How was school you guys

Riley: Same old same old. We go to all of these classes we don't really learn anything until we're in History

Zay: Assignment today goes with everything

Farkle: How can you make a difference to someone

Smackle: Maya already made a difference

Zay: First time she's completed an assignment before any of us

Maya: He gave me an automatic A

Katy: That's great

Lucas: We're just stuck

Katy: Oh you all are smart you'll do fine

Riley: So Lilia are you excited to be living with the Hunters

Lilia: Yes they're my foster family and could be by adopted family

Riley: That's right

Lilia: I just can't wait to finally know how it feels to have a real family who loves me

Maya: We definitely do love you already

Lilia: *smiles*

Riley: Hey my brother Auggie is home would you like to go play with him.

Lilia: Yes

Riley: Oh right I'll take you. Is that alright?

Katy: Yes that's fine we'll go get her later

Riley: OK come one Lilia

Maya: I'll be there soon

Lilia goes with Riley to Riley's home

Maya: How long will she be in our Foster care?

Katy: 6 months which is when the final hearing is for her father

Maya: So in these 6 months she could easily be taken away from us

Katy: That's right but she won't. We are going to take good care of her and find good evidence so her father goes down for his crimes

Maya: Lilia is never leaving my side.

Katy: I am glad you're so protective of her but she will have to do stuff without you

Maya: Yeah I know

Katy: Just go be with her right now. You and Riley playing with your younger siblings that's never happened before

Maya: *smiles* Yeah

Katy: Go Have fun baby girl

Maya walks out to Riley's home

Zay: Its a new side to Maya

Katy: That I love

Matthews home

Lilia: Hey Auggie

Auggie: Hi Lilia you're home from the hospital

Lilia: Yeah I am all good now

Auggie: That's good

Riley: Auggie, Lilia wants to play with you

Auggie: OK come on Lilia

They go to Auggie's room

Riley: Hey where's my mom

Topanga: *comes in from the hallway* I'm right here. I was doing something. I hear Lilia in the room with Auggie

Riley: Yeah they're playing. I just thought she should have a good friend and Auggie loves people

Topanga: Yeah he does

Maya walks in

Riley: I was coming back to the bakery

Maya: Yeah I know but my mom thought it would be nice if we played with our younger siblings. You can show me a few things

Topanga: That's a great idea

Riley: It sure is come on peaches

Maya and Riley walk into Auggie's room

Riley: Hey can we play with you guys

Auggie: Of course. Let's play pirates. That's a game Riley and I play together a lot

Lilia: Sounds fun

Riley: Bad pirates against good pirates. Auggie and I are bad

Maya: Oh this is going to be funny


Thanks for Reading!!!!!!

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