Part 4

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The next morning

Lilia: *opens her eyes* Its real

Katy: *gets up* What's real sweety?

Lilia: I thought everything that happened yesterday was just a dream

Katy: No dream it was real life

Lilia: Oh good

Katy: After a few hours you are release

Lilia: I can't wait

Katy: Me neither

Lilia: Katy? What's a step-dad?

Katy: A step dad is a man who marries a woman after she has been separated from her previous spouse and gains Parental rights over the woman's child or children. A step mother is the same

Lilia: Shawn isn't Maya's real dad. I heard her call him Step Dad

Katy: Shawn is Maya's step father. He has adopted Maya as his child

Lilia: So if I am adopted by you guys you will be my step mom and step dad

Katy: No we will be your adoptive mom and dad. Your non-biological parents

Lilia: I'm confused

Katy: That's OK you're only 6 right now you don't need to be worrying about that stuff. We need to get some breakfast in your stomach and wait for the doctor to come in and check on you

Lilia: Cereal for breakfast

Katy: You're simple like Maya

Lilia: Maya and I are alike

Katy: A lot a like its scary

Lilia: *giggles*

Katy calls the nurse and the nurse gets Lilia's breakfast and brings it to the room

Lilia: Thank You

Nurse: You're welcome sweety *leaves the room*

Katy: You eat up while I call Shawn real quick OK

Lilia: Ok

Katy pulls out her phone and dials Shawn

Shawn: Hello

Katy: Hey Honey Lilia is going to need clothes

Shawn: OK where would I go for that

Katy: Just a kids clothing store. She doesn't need so much but she needs enough. Also can you bring an outfit to the hospital because I am not letting her wear what she came in with

Shawn: Oh right I will

Katy: If you're stuck about where to go just text Cory he does have a daughter

Shawn: OK

Katy: Thank You Love you

Shawn: No problem Love you too

They hang up

Lilia: I am getting clothes?

Katy: Yes Shawn is getting them.

Lilia: Thank You

Katy: You're welcome sweety

After breakfast

Dr. Payne: Oh right Lilia how are you feeling?

Lilia: Good. My bruises still hurt

Dr. Payne: They will for a while but I can definitely tell the medicine is working. Now we're are going to have to do a few test. Like Physically and Mentally OK

Lilia: OK

Dr. Payne test Lilia and everything goes well

Dr. Payne: Well I say you're officially cleared. I am going to fax the school her papers and I will print some things out for you.

Katy: OK Thank you

Dr. Payne: No problem at all. Child Services should be here very soon to check on everything before you can leave

Katy: Oh right

Dr. Payne: OK I'll be back

Dr. Payne leaves

Lilia: Child services have been over my house. That's the only time Daddy would clean and cook me lunch

Katy: Well this time they're checking if Shawn and I are fit foster parents

Lilia: You guys are

Katy: We have to see what they say

After a few minutes Child Services walk in

Gretchen: Hello I am Gretchen Holls. I am here to talk to Katy Hunter and Shawn Hunter

Katy: I am Katy my husband is running a little late

Shawn burst in

Shawn: Sorry I'm late. I thought they sold a ton of teen clothes but know there are so many options for little girls

Katy: Do you have her outfit?

Shawn: Yes

Katy:Thank you

Katy takes the bag and walks over to Lilia

Katy: Go get changed in the bathroom OK sweety. Call my name if you need help with anything

Lilia: OK *takes the bag and goes into the bathroom*

Gretchen: Oh right let's get this started. Do you both have Jobs?

Katy: Yes I am an aspiring actress but mostly I work at my best friend's bakery I am the manager.

Shawn: I am a Travel photographer and writer for "Hit the Road"

Gretchen: You guys are married?

Shawn: Yes 6 months

Katy: I also have a 15 years old Daughter

Gretchen: You guys live near Lilia's home

Katy: Yes basically same neighborhood. We have a 2 bedroom home. She will be sharing a room with my daughter Maya

Gretchen: She is still in school

Shawn: Oh yes. She returns in a week. She attends the same school as my best friend's son so they will be car pulling together

Gretchen: OK. I will take a look more into you guys files and I will call tomorrow

Katy: Thank you

Gretchen: You're welcome *leaves*

Lilia comes out the bathroom

Katy: You look so cute

Lilia: Thank you and Thank you Shawn for the clothes

Shawn: Oh Thank Uncle Cory he told me what clothing store to go into

Lilia: I love it

Shawn: Good

Katy: Well let's get you to our home. Your new home

Shawn: I have to go do some job errands I will be back before dinner

Katy: Oh right honey be safe

Shawn: You too *leaves*

Katy: Just me and you. Well lets leave this hospital

Lilia: Bye Bye Hospital

Thanks for Reading!!!!!

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