Jake x Sherry Chapter 1

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Sherry woke up screaming, covered in sweat. It had been six months since she had last seen him and she coudn't stop thinking about him since leaving China. It was always the same dream. She would be in a dark room holding hands with Jake and then he would let go of her and fade away into the darkness. She would chase after him but then get lost in the darkness and she would scream his name. She would then wake her self from the nightmare screaming in her bed. She turned over for what felt the hundredth time that night.

"Why can't I stop thinking about him?"

Sherry looked at her alarm clock. It was 3:22 a.m in the morning and she had to be signed in to HQ at 7. Since she had come back from China they had stuck her under a desk buried in work.

Hoping to clear her mind, Sherry got up out of bed to get a drink of water and some fresh air.

She walked down her hallway to the kitchen. Her apartment wasn't anything fancy but she liked it well enough. It was better than living in the windowless, four walled room they kept her confined in after being rescued from Raccoon City. She had her room and a guest room, a nice sized bathroom. Her living room was a little on the small side but she had a nice balcony that was refreshing to sit on in the morning.

She grabbed a glass from the top cabinet and filled it with water from the tap. After downing the water and taking a deep breath she headed back to her bedroom. Her eye caught on a picture that she had set on the counter top, it was of her and Jake. HQ had instructed her to destroy all evidence from her mission to protect Jake and his identity, as she was going through the file she had come across it. It was a rash decision that could cost her but she couldn't bring herself to destroy the last piece of him and her together. It was a picture that had been captured of them in China by a Reporter caught in the City. They were standing up facing each other. He was holding her hand with a serious, protective look on his face. She was looking up at him with worry.

She was sent on a mission to protect him, but in the end it was him who ended up protecting her and kept her from falling apart when things felt hopeless. She felt so safe with Jake; he made her feel whole inside instead of an empty shell. She had loved him for it and still loved him now.

Sherry wiped away a tear that had started to slide down her cheek.

She picked up the picture and carried it into her bedroom and got back into bed. Sherry propped the picture on the night stand next to her and lay her head down. In a soft quivering  

Breath she closed her eyes and whispered.......

"Goodnight Jake"

Morning came almost way too soon. Sherry sat up, already feeling the beginning of a head ache settling in. She got up and walked straight to her shower. Maybe a nice, hot shower will wash the night away to help her wake up to function. After her shower, Sherry got in her work clothes. A plain, tan skirt and a quarter sleeve white button up shirt with some black heals.She put on a touch of mascara, a swipe of lipgloss and brushed her hair into order. She gave herself a sad smile while looking in the mirror and turned to head for work. Grabbing her purse, she walked out the door.

Sherry walked into HQ going straight for her desk. After getting all of her paperwork organized for the day, she got out of her seat to go get a cup of coffee. While pouring coffee in her cup, Claire walked up......

"Good morning, Sherry"

"Oh, good morning Claire" She smile and reached out to give her dear friend a hug.

Claire leaned back to look Sherry in the face.

"You look a little rundown Sherry, is everything alright?"

Sherry knew that Claire would notice the dark circles under her eyes. Claire was like a big sister to her and her closest thing to family. Sherry loved her and Claire was the only person she had confessed to about her feelings for Jake.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just not getting enough sleep lately."

Claire gave her a sad, knowing smile. "Your still missing him, aren't you?"

Sherry could feel her eyes brimming with the unfinished tears she held in since last night.

"Yeah, I just can't seem to get my mind off of him....... I've thought about trying to contact him but I'm afraid of how he would react to it. I'm scared he would reject me."

Claire gave her another hug. "I bet he misses you too, you should call him and just throw it all out into the open. If he turns you down, he is an idiot and doesn't deserve you."

Sherry smiled and shook her head. "Your right, maybe I will do that tonight"

Claire smiled. "Well remember if you ever need to talk, you can talk to me anytime."

"Thank you, Claire your the best."

Sherry and Claire waved at each other. "Well, I better get in there or I'll be trampled with paperwork."

"Ok, talk to you later Sherry."

Sherry sat down to get started with her work. Time crept by and kept catching herself thinking about Jake instead of doing her work. She thought about how he used to have a witty smartass response when she asked him a question and how he always gave her a sexy lop sided smile after saying or doing something to get her flustered. She thought about his mouth.....


Startled, she jumped and accidentally knocked over the stack of files she was supposed to be  

Working on. "Great", she thought. This is going to set me back atleast an hour trying to reorganize everything into the right folder. Blushing, she bent over to pick the papers off the floor.

"Yes? Mrs. Hunnigan, how can I help you?"

"Oh, sherry I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!"

Giving a little laugh, "Thats ok, I guess I was just concentrating so hard that I didn't hear you come in."

Hunnigan gave her a smile and a nod. "I just wanted to let you know that I need you in my office after lunch."

Hearing that caught Sherry's attention and made her feel a little uneasy. "Is there something wrong?"

"Oh no, nothing is wrong but you might be needed for a mission. I will give you the details after lunch."

Smiling, Hunnigan left her office to head to lunch.

Sherry looked up at the clock, it was already 12. "Jeez, I didn't even realize how long I've been sitting here", she thought.

She got up to go to the vending machines to grab something to eat. She was also going to need a refill of her coffee if she was going to focuse and get close to getting her work finished today.

She tried to push the thoughts of Jake to the back of her mind. "Come on, Berkin you need to pull yourself together here", she said quietly to herself.

People were going to start noticing how weird she's been acting soon. She absolutely did not want to explain how she had fallen for Jake Muller and how she couldn't get him off her mind even though she barely knew the man. God, she missed him and the more time that passed, the harder it was to not think about him. The emptiness she was feeling started to grow unbearable.

After grabbing a sandwich and refilling her coffee, Sherry headed back to her desk to eat in privacy. She didn't feel like socializing In the break room and pretending to be interested in everyone else's daily lives when her mind was such a mess.

When she finished the last bite of her food, Sherry stood up and threw her trash in the garbage and headed for Hunnigan's office. She was feeling excited and a bit nervous at the possibility of going on a new mission. It would be a nice feeling to be getting away from her desk for a while and changing the world for the better.

Turning the knob to open the door to Hunnigan's office, she thought to herself,"This is exactly what I need to get my mind off of missing Jake."

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