"Oh... I...You.." She turned her head towards the fox. "YOU!" she screamed. Nick gasped, then started waving his paws at her, trying to get her to be quiet. She didn't listen of course.

"You criminal! How dare you hit me with a dart from my own gun! Quit shushing me!" Judy screamed louder. Nick sighed and rubbed his face with his paws. Just then, a polar bear walked through the door, wondering what all the noise was coming from. Nick gasped again, and looked around for a place to run. Judy on the other hand, knew she couldn't be caught here. This was a predator only establishment. Plus, she didn't feel like dealing with a savage fox AND a massive polar bear at the same time. 

Judy quickly searched for something to hide under. Nick was still frantically looking for a hiding spot. She saw a rack on the wall, where the workers hung their jackets and hats. She spotted a nice fur hat hanging on one of the lower hooks. She quickly ran and hopped up to grab it, and then ran back towards the fox. Nick looked at her weird.

"What are you doing?" he asked. She didn't answer him. And with one large hop, she jumped onto his head, and sat the fur hat down on him. She hid underneath his hat.

"Wha.. Rabbit? What is wrong with you rabbits?" he asked. He didn't have time to talk anymore. He came face to face with a polar bear, who was staring down at him.

"Uh.. Hey friend. I uh.. I came to see... Koslov" he said. Nick knew he shouldn't reveal Koslov to the rabbit. But he also did want her to hear the actual story about why he went savage. And the only way she might listen to him tell the story is when she knows if she reveals herself, she is in trouble. 

He just hoped she would stay where she was, and not do anything stupid. Of course, that's a lot to ask of a bunny.

The polar bear led Nick through the restaurant part of the building. Then he took him around to the back room, where another polar bear was waiting. This one nodded at the other, then opened a big black door. Nick walked through it, being shoved by the other polar bear. Nick caught his footing, then felt his hat coming off. He quickly put it back into place. After that, Nick turned and saw Koslov and a few other polar bears sitting in black chairs. 

They were all gathered around a big table. Some were counting money, while others were texting on their phones. It was a bit dark in the room, and cold. But the green light from all the predator's shock collars illuminated some of it.

Koslov turned his head and saw Nick standing there. He got up and walked over to him.

"Nick! I thought you were in jail" he said.

"I was. But I got out a little early." Nick said. Koslov raised an eyebrow.

"I escaped."

"Mhm.. What brings you here today? I am very busy. Today is my son Morris's birthday, and I need to be seeing him soon. I don't have time for whatever it is you need." said the old polar bear.

"Koslov Sir please.. I just need to ask a few questions." pleaded Nick. The polar bear sighed, then waved his paw for Nick to go on.

"Okay, so. I didn't go savage by myself. You see, I was framed." said the fox. Judy listened from the inside.

"Now, I don't know by whom. He attacked me when I was in my office. He must of gotten in there somehow when no one was watching. He shot me in the back of the neck with a dart. And after that, I completely lost it."

Koslov's eyes widened at this story. But he didn't say anything.

"The attacker was a wolf dressed in a black trench coat. He was hiding in the shadows. I couldn't see him well enough to really make him out."

Koslov's eyes widened. He shook his head.

"No Nick. I cannot help you with this. I will not tell you anything. I am not allowed to tell some things. Now, get out of here now. I will not talk about this." he said frantically. His color turned yellow from stress.

"Koslov?" asked Nick.

"Get out!" he screamed. Judy heard all of it. Nick was about to give up and turn around to leave when the rabbit jumped out from underneath the fur hat and landed on the cold ground in front of Koslov. The bear towered over her. He looked down and gasped.

"I am Judy Hopps from the ZPD! I hear you have information on a mysterious attacker who shot this fox?"

Koslov grew aggravated. He kept his mouth shut.

"You need to tell me more information or else I will bring in the police. I will make you talk. And don't even think about threatening me. I will figure this out and bring this fox back to the ZPD if it's the last thing I ever do!" she said threateningly.

Koslov shook his head.

"Nick... How could you?" he asked, betrayed. Nick shook his head.

"No sir this is a misunderstanding... I_" the bear raised a paw to shut him up.

"I help you. I loan you money. And here you are bringing a prey animal into my home. And not only that, but an officer! How could you Nick? I knew foxes were untrustworthy, but I thought you were different."

Nick shook his head. He didn't know what to say.

Koslov stared, then snapped his fingers.

"Put them both in the ice freezer for four days! See how well they go. They'll be dead by morning." he said with a hateful tone. The polar bears who were sitting got up and grabbed the bunny and the fox by the back of their shirts.

"No. No!" screamed Nick. "Koslov please! I had nothing to do with this bunny!" he cried. The polar bear didn't listen to him. Instead, the old bear walked out the door.

The bears started walking towards another door. This led back into the kitchen. They walked to the wall to a large metal door and opened it. Using ropes, they tied Judy and Nick together and hung them from the ceiling.

"Wait! Please!" Nick cried. Judy struggled. The bears shut the door and the room fell dark.

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