Chapter one; NYC

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 Hannah POV:

My name is Hannah, I'm 16 years old. I live in Canada, Vancouver to be exact. I'm about 5'4, my hair is dark brown and is bust length. My eyes are a rusty/orange, brown and green colour and my body build is curvy and toned.  Enough about me. My great-grandfather took a tumble down the stairs last week and is in the hospital in New york, my aunts and uncles don't think he will survive so we're having a little  family reunion to kind of say goodbye. We leave tomorrow. 

I'm not so sure I want to go.. mainly because we're going to driving and flying the whole time and I'm not allowed a phone. I know right I'm 16 years old and I'm not aloud to have a phone, I'll give you the back story on why. 

When I was 14 my mo got me an iPhone 5s for my birthday, I had it until I was 15 and then I made the mistake of accidentally posting my location on chatroom... whoops?                                    I started getting things in the mail, things like thongs, candy, other sex food stuff and other disgusting things. People somehow got our house number and started calling us all hours of the night looking for me.. I got so bad that we had to move twice within a 4 month period. I told my mom what happened and she took everything the wrong way, she thought i was telling her that I did it on purpose and that I'm a hooker. My phone was taken and every since I was 15, almost two years ago..I haven't had any access to the internet. No computer, no phone, nothing.

Back to the story. I'm going to be bored the whole time, while my little brothers have gameboys and iPods I have a stupid book to read.


Everything is all packed in the car, its 5:13am on a Tuesday and now we have to pack the boy into the car. This'll take a while.


Ugh, I want to die. I'm bored. I've been listening to nothing but my broths say "DIE DIE DIE" to his video game for the past 4 hours. Ah finally, food time. My mom pulls the car over as I jump out and run, we're in Toronto right now and I literally don't know where I'm going cause I've never been here but.. I'm running away from that damn car. I run to this bench and sit down, I start thinking about my best friend Sadie and how I can't text her or call her to let her know I'm okay or ask about her day. 


We're about 6 hours away from our hotel in New york, excitement takes over my body as I look out the window and see people,cars and advertisement everywhere. I look at all the people tagging down taxis and sipping expensive wine, its beautiful here. The one thing I don't like about being here is that I can't take any photos or videos of this trip.. I know that I will obviously remember this trip but I like a more visual prospective. We arrived at the hotel and its about 11pm my mom and brothers immediately crashed as soon as they got into the hotel, I'm not tired so I decided to go starbucks. I grad my moms car pager(the hotel people bring the car up) hotel key along with my wallet, i write a note saying where I went and make my way from the 12th floor to the 1st. 

The elevator makes a dim *ding* noise and the door opens. I walk out the lobby doors and onto the streets where I have my car brought up by one of the hotel workers. The boy gets out of my car and hands me the keys he stairs at me with flushed cheeks 

"um hello?" I say laughing at the end 

"oh sorry miss, you're just really pretty" he says with a half smile and a head scratch

"thank you-" I begin to say and then see his name tag "Max" I walk off to the driver side

"Maybe we can go out for coffee tomorrow?" Max says

"You know.. I'd really love to but I'm visiting family in the hospital tomorrow" I say as I look at the steering wheel

"What time are you off work on the 14th?" I said again 

"8pm, Ill meet you here at 8pm for coffee?" he asked

"yes" I smiled and got in my car and drove away

I do have to admit I was a little annoyed with Max, we just met and it was a little awkward but he's really cute and he seems really nice. I park the car about a block away from starbucks, just so I could get some fresh air and make up walking time for the past week I spent sitting in a car. Its cold in New york, I wore a mid thigh length navy blue rain jacket, I wear the jacket unzipped with a grey shirt underneath, a pair of black high waisted skinny jeans and ankle cut 3 inch heel grey boots. I walk down the sidewalk listening to the sound of my boot heels clicking as I step, I walk into starbuck with the flush of hot air hitting every inch of my body along with the refreshing smell of freshly baked goods. I walk up to the cashier and order a medium raspberry/orange tea, the tall blonde smiles at me 

"Are you new here? I've never seen you here before" she says happily

"Yes aha, I'm just visiting for a month" I said awkwardly 

"My name is Santana" she said pointing to her name tag

"I'm Hannah" I said pointing towards me, we both start laughing 


"Looks like our visits over" Santana says as she grabbed fresh raspberries and orange peels and dumps them into my cup and along with hot water and hands me my drink

"I'm here all week 4-12am" Santana says as I walk out the door. 

I decided to go on a walk around the block, to let help my drink cool down. I window shopped while walking, seeing nothing was open except fro starbucks and a few other corner stores. There were barely any cars and no signs of living. I look down and take the lid off my tea, I stir it around and hear footsteps in front of me. I look up and instantly feel warmth on the front of my body and see I am on the ground

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" a male voice says

"Here let me help you up" he says again 

my back was towards him so I couldn't see him, I push my sticky hair from cheek 

"I can do it myself" I said angrily as I get up and turn around, I look up and my angry face fades.. a tall cute boy is standing infront of me.. his face blank with flushed cheeks

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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